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We are now around 3 months in since I first opened this Patreon. To those who decided to chip in some money of any amount, thanks a ton. I am extremely grateful!

That being said, I wanted to ask something:
Are there any suggestions or requests you'd like to make regarding this Patreon and what it offers?

As it currently is, it's only early access to alts and the monthly suggestions/polls where I draw two requests, basically. I am wondering if you'd like to see me try anything else within my limits.
This is not necessarily to say I'll do every suggestion thrown my way, but I will consider them and possibly try to implement them when I feel ready enough.



Perhaps a patreon only series of comics? if you ever find the time of course.


A comic series, huh? Hmm... I'd have to think about what I can do there, but the idea is sound.


Things I've seen others do, that you most certainly don't have to... The monthly art raffle (usually just a sketch a high tier thing generally), discord server access key, something like the raffle but instead the person picks a series and you decide what you're doing with it (also falls into an 'idea thread' where patrons can post an idea and if it strikes ya fancy you can pick it up). or something with commissions where you're more likely to get in/I saw one person do discounts. Again just things I've seen, I'll still be a patreon regardless.


Honestly I'd love to read any little stories you come up with.


Raffles or anything similar to gambling is not allowed on Patreon. I don't like it either, but is what it is. But that's why I went with the suggestion and theme style that I currently use. I have discussed the idea of discounted commissions, but that ends up leading to hogging if not careful with. So that I've thrown that idea away. Discord stuff is a whole other thing. Thanks for the comment and your support regardless!

Sebastian Trujillo

I really don't have any ideas to give you, sorry about that. I'm just happy to give some support is all.


Wow, it has been 3 months? Man, time flies real quickly. But congrats! As for any suggestions, I really don’t have any ideas at the moment.