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That's right, we're doing another one of these! Nothing fundamental has changed from last time around, so you can skim right to the options if you're familiar with how this works. In addition to the winner, we've removed two of the least popular options from last month's poll. In exchange, we've added three new options, all from Episode 12.

A few quick disclaimers (same as last time):

  • These are all cul-de-sacs, meaning there’s no happy endings… or they’re all happy endings, depending on your perspective. You’ll figure it out. Either way, none of the scenes currently listed will have any impact on the story going forward.
  • All scenes will feature in addition to any preexisting game overs. Nothing is being replaced.
  • We’ll be writing out these scenes while transitioning from season 1 to season 2 (more on that at a later date, but the short version is don’t expect to see these until after episode 14 is released).

With that out of the way, the scenes themselves:

  • Option 1 - Episode 1: If you do a very poor job as a server at the Hungry Hare tavern, one of the wait staff (Sabitha) decides you’ll be more useful on her hips. [OV]
  • Option 2 - Episode 1: If you’re not quick enough on your feet while running from the tavern, a brief collision with a noblewoman can end in a more permanent entanglement. [OV]
  • Option 3 - Episode 3: After a stressful day spent hunting harpies, you (unwisely) spend a few quiet moments on your own. You run into a familiar face, Breia (the thug from the end of Episode 2), who decides you’re too good of a meal to pass up. [AV]
  • Option 4 - Episode 4: Before laying down for sleep at the end of a long day of travel, you can wander off and wind up running into an unassuming, but no less hungry, squirrel monster girl. [OV]
  • Option 5 - Episode 9: When spending the day with Vanille, your search for a missing cow can lead you a bit too far into the forest. A wolf monster girl waits with open “jaws.” [AV]
  • Option 6 - Episode 10: While exploring the catacombs, your curiosity can wind up landing your companions in hot water—or, more specifically, the stomachs of the trio of myconids. You’re left with a choice: try to assist in their escape yourself, or flee back through the sewers and seek help. Neither ends well. [OV]
  • Option 7 - Episode 12: After talking with Prudence, the marquis’ gardener, you can ignore her warnings and trample yet another plant. Enraged, she takes drastic measures to protect her flowerbeds. [UB]
  • Option 8 - Episode 12: During the investigation, you’ll have a new option to pester and annoy your chaperone, Gwen. Eventually, she gets fed up… with you. [OV]
  • Option 9 - Episode 12: If you give up at the very last moment during the trial, the widowed marquis takes your punishment into her own hands—er, stomach. [OV]

Just like with last month, the winner of this ’s poll will be included during the post-season releases. You can vote for as many options as you want until the morning of December 30th. We'll be running this sort of poll again (plus some fun additions which we'll be announcing later this month).

For the sake of easy access, when these extra scenes are released, we’ll also create separate documents so you can read them in their non-interactive form in case you’re not eager to skim through half a million words to find them yourself.



Still no Shana scene 😢


Mushroom party wipe!