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You eventually find a small door around a corner. Thin trails of steam greet you as the doorway cracks open, revealing a surprisingly large wooden tub built directly into the floor, surrounded by a few feet of walkway.

Just as you’re about to step in and close the door, you catch a small form padding down the hallway. Mira slips into view a moment later, tail swishing in furtive arcs.

“Hiya. Whatcha doing?”

“Mira,” you say cheerfully as furry ears stand to attention. “I’m, uhh… taking a bath, remember?”

“Oh yeah.” The demi pauses for a curious moment, legs shifting and arms tucked behind her back. “Dinner was tasty.”

You eye her for a brief moment. “It was. Did you need something?” You hesitate, considering Vanille’s previous concern, then gesture to the bath. “You can go first if you want, I can wait until you’re done.”

She shakes her head, cheeks flush. “No, I uhm…” She bites her thumb. A shudder cascades from the tips of her ears all the way down to her outstretched fingers. Mira draws a deep breath, then  lets the words come hissing out. “Is now an okay time? F- For me to eat you?”

Oh, of course; she’s looking for dessert. You’d almost forgotten that was a pastime you and she shared. The oppressive rain over the last twenty four hours nearly drove all the lewd thoughts from your mind, leaving just the essentials for survival: food, shelter, warmth. With your needs now met, there was little reason to say no. In fact, while everyone else was enjoying the temple’s simple comforts—luxuries, more so, after a week on the road—now was a perfect time for you to indulge.

Though, you still harbor one small concern.

“Didn’t you… just eat?” you ask, careful to keep your tone as friendly as possible. You certainly don’t want to dissuade her when you’re so close to living your fantasy once more. “I’m not sure I wanna be in there with all those buns.”

“Don’t worry, they’re gone already!”

What? How?

Putting aside the fact that it’s very strange the demi can accurately track what’s in her stomach at any given moment, it occurs to you that if she can digest an entire monster girl in roughly fifteen hours, a particularly filling meal wouldn’t take more than twenty minutes. It doesn’t quite account for how you survived a night stewing in the caustic murder-vapor, but at least Mira can turn it off at will, so that’s a thing you don’t have to worry about going forward.

… You hope.

Hello all. Enjoy this quick preview of what's to come. We had a surprisingly hard time finding an excerpt to pull from this particular episode that didn’t just spoil the whole thing, so we wound up going with a brief snippet of a potential interaction with everyone’s favorite demi. See what happens next when Episode 8: A Trick of the Tail releases on July 8th!


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