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… Mira cups her hands around her mouth. “Hello? Is this your house? Can we come in?”

The demi frowns as the slime offers no immediate response. “Huh, maybe she’s shy. Let me go try and—”

“Waitwaitwait!” you stammer, grabbing Mira’s shoulder before she can make it more than a step forward. “What are you doing? You’re just going to… talk to her?”

“Uhm… yeah? Why not?”

“I don’t know. Aren’t you worried she might be hostile?”

Mira eyes you quizzically. “Not really. Every slime I’ve met has been nice.”

You return her gaze, unsure if you want to follow that particular line of inquiry. Finally, with a reluctant sigh, you relax your grip. “Alright, fine. But be careful, okay?”

She approaches the slime with steady, measured steps, not entirely unlike an animal handler might approach a wild beast, each motion slow, smooth, and utterly devoid of hostility. “Hey, it’s alright,” she says softly. “We’re just passing by and don’t want to upset you.”

The slime quivers for a moment, an odd and inscrutable reaction. To your surprise, the feminine torso makes another appearance, hesitantly forming from the gelatinous mass like a shy swimmer breaching the surface of a lake. She continues to rise, forming a waist, then a pair of hips, pausing just before the knees to stand only a few inches shorter than Mira. You tense, fully expecting the slime to lunge at any moment, yet she seems content to simply stare and wait.

Apparently taking this as encouragement, Mira presses on. “We’re the first people you’ve seen in a while, huh? Being down here on your own and all.” The demi suddenly thrusts a hand forward, fingers open as if expecting to receive a handshake. “I’m Mira.”

The slime looks down at Mira’s outstretched hand, tilting her head to one side. Though it’s difficult to tell in the dark, you swear you catch the telltale glint of a pair of translucent ears resting on top of her head, similar to Mira’s own.

Of course, the problem with Mira’s gesture of friendship is the slime’s complete and utter inability to reciprocate, what with her complete lack of arms. You’d somehow glossed over the reality at first—perhaps due to the difficulty of discerning the finer details of an object made entirely from transparent semi-liquid—but now that you’re finally observing the slime’s torso for an extended period of time, you realize her shoulders simply taper right back into her chest.

“Uhh, Mira,” you call out. “I don’t think that’s going to—”

You falter as a sudden protrusion emerges from the slime’s right shoulder, gel rippling outward in a steadily building mass that rapidly forms a crude facsimile of a human arm. Before your eyes, the limb shifts and warps, refining and reshaping from roughly cylindrical to the sort of precisely mimicked musculature you’d expect to see carved in marble—though the effect is somewhat lessened as you notice the shape jiggle and jolt with each twitch.

The slime stretches forward with its newly-formed arm, pellucid fingers reaching. You hold your breath as she draws closer, closer. Then, with a soft sound like a stone falling into a lake, the diaphanous hand simply envelopes Mira’s own.

You gasp, yet the slime makes no further advance, expressionless eyes glued to the point of contact. Mira very slowly raises her arm, and the slime follows, until the two eventually share a rough and slow estimation of a handshake.

“See,” Mira says, turning to face you. “She’s fine, just had to—”

The slime picks that particular moment to lower its arm, yanking the demi’s along with it. Mira yelps, caught off guard, and stumbles forward. She hops and skips precariously, even managing to yank her hand free from the slime’s grasp… a mere second before she topples over entirely, falling face-first into the creature’s body with an audible squelch.

The slime recoils, its humanoid torso collapsing back into the shapeless mass as it shuffles backward. Mira, for her part, squirms and kicks, though without any proper purchase, you suspect she might just be making things worse. You stare, dumbstruck, as the pair tumble around the common room, bumping against the occasional table or chair, a surreal chorus of wet splashes and slaps alongside the occasional muffled grunt or protest from the partially-submerged demi. A part of you considers stepping forward, seeing if you can somehow pull Mira free, but given the slime’s frantic movements, you’re far more likely to wind up in the pile yourself.

The chaos lasts for somewhere between a second and a month before the slime abruptly slams against a wall. The sudden impact propels Mira even further into the gelatinous body, leaving only her wiggling feet free. As you watch, those, too, gradually sink, until they’re finally engulfed entirely with a faint plop

Have another quick to whet your appetite. Episode 6: Whispers in the Wax releases on May 8th. This is far and away our most ambitious episode yet, with over sixty-thousand words and eleven unique vore scenes.


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