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Hello guys! hope your doing good!

I want to talk with you about a few changes I'm gonna be doing for patreon going onwards. please, at least read the part about those changes at the end of the post. I'll pot it in bold letters so it's easier to find.

First of all an explanation. Last year, other people and I have some problems with our Payoneer accounts, I don't remember what was the deal about to be fair (something about changing banks I think), but as a result, my payments for almost two months were frozen, all my patreon and my saving were on that account.

So in order to have money for food rent and stuff, I had to open commissions. and I took a lot of spots, like A LOT. I've been working on them since last year, and even if I'm almost done, i still have to finish like 6 full color commissions, plus other types of commissions I had to open too. I've been working non stop since last year and that includes stuff I do for patreon. This is, at the end of the day, my major source of income and as such I want to make Shure you guys are properly rewarded.

The solution I saw was returning to the monthly rewards, is what it makes sense to me. You pay a monthly subscription, you get a monthly reward. Most of the accounts I follow, what they offer is a monthly character pack, so i replicated that and give priority to those rewards. between the commissions and those pack I decided that the comic should wait until I free some of my workload, since I didn't wanted to rush my own comic.

But here's the thing. Monthly reward packs get little to none response for part of the patreons, and it's a little discouraging working on this big rewards and get no feedback. Instead i get comments about "where's the comic? new comic page when? it's been too long, where's the comic?" like all the time, from every page I have. 

Don't get me wrong please, I understand, I don't feel like I'm being rushed or something like that, if anything you guys have been very patience and understanding of my situation. You're just asking for the content you want, and that's what I need right now

I need to know what you guys expect from this page so I don't feel like I'm wasting my time working on an image pack, when you guys really just want to see is the comic. If I ask for feedback, is because I need feedback. Right now, what I want is to improve my workflow, so I can finish things faster and give me some time to rest and enjoy myself a little cause trust me, this last year have been really damaging to me. stop is just not an option for me. I want to improve in how I do things, so I'm not affected by this situation again in the future. 

So what I'm gonna do onwards?

FIRST of all, Forest Hunt and Lord of Dawn are priority one. Pages will start coming again next month and they're gonna be my main focus on this patreon.

SECOND. I'm gonna stop working on monthly reward packs. I'll still do character packs, I'll make the polls and ask for your suggestions, but they won't be monthly. Character Packs will come out wherever they're done, they'll be my third priority until I finish with my commissions and release some workload out of my shoulders.

I also want to work on the discord channel, give a little more life, but I need time for that and honestly it's difficult for me to run a discord myself, since I'm usually working all the time. So that would have to wait for me to either free some time or find someone who can manage the channel properly for me. Patreon it's making changes to it's layout it seems, and i think it would be a nice time to dedicate some time to give this page a new fresh look, but again, it will depend of my free time to do that.

Lastly I would like if you guys engage a little more with the content, at least let me know if you liked the page or the art piece cause I've been feeling really down lately with my work, sometimes i feel it's boring or uninteresting because people barely say something to me about it. you don't have to force yourself to do it, but yeah, It's nice when people compliment the thing you've been working on for an entire week you know? more now when all this AI bullshit and NFT crap has been plaguing the art discourse lately. wish I could say is not affecting me as much as it does.

Please tell me what do you think of the new changes, suggestions are always appreciated. Expect the WIPS of the next FH2 pages to come out sometime this week, I'm adding the dialogue so you guys at least can read them and I'm working already on the art of the first one. I'm finishing some extra images for the Death Wolf reward, I'll post it soon, when it's ready. And I'll let you know more of the Wolf link reward as soon as I have more to share.

I love you my beautiful pack, sorry if this was too long. It's been a theme that has been boiling inside me for quite some time and I wanted to let you guys know about it.

Thats all for now! thank you guys!


Fang The Mightyena

I am definitely looking forward FH and LoD continuation.


Sorry that happened, I can’t imagine how stressful that is. I personally think what you laid out is great in my opinion as I’d prefer comic content over other content personally. 😀


No matter what you enjoy doing the most, I'll support you nonetheless, as much as I can :)


Absolutely looking forward to the comic restarting and glad to know your thoughts and asking to be more engaging. I’ll support regardless but will try to engage more apart from just liking your pages and posts. All the best and continue enjoying what you do best!!


Hey Shade I hope your coplications with your money will go away soon and you can put down some pressure from your shoulders. To be honest I am looking foward to see more of your FH2 pages and sometimes I cannot help the waiting but everytime I remind myself that it is worth the waiting and I rather wait for (a) well made page(s) than see one that feels like ' Here it is. I hope your happy now ffs' or 'I don't give a fuck'. In the part one I loved how you were able to manage the time jumping, the feelings and the character. Non of them was out of this world, I could relate with them. During the plot you made some questions, for example why isn't Cobb invited to the Festival, why is he in love with Ark so much but then you gave the answers. This was the first comic for me that had more than just a sex scene. I think it is more impontant for you and for us aswell About the resonds. I would have responded to your 'Death work' but I have forgot about it since I minded myown thing. But I really like it. He is my favorite character of the movie and I like the way your made him (I prefer the knock version better btw). In my opinion you could try to make some more bodytype than just the big beefy one. For example Ash is a good one. I guess you love this bodytype and a lot of people ask for it but not everyone is an Adonis. However if everyone wants it then I have no rights to jugde them. I hope things will be right soon for you!

Roasche Enrock

Hi Shade. I’m sorry I don’t respond to your monthly arts but I want you to know I appreciate them nonetheless. I’ve always enjoyed your art and that’s why I continue to keep supporting you. Keep at it and I hope life gets better for you.


Hi Shade. Just wanted to let you know that Forest Hunt is still my absolute favorite furry comic. I return to read it again and again. I really love Cobb and Ark and their relationship. It's so tender and sexy. After reading the comic so many times, I decided that, even though I don't have a lot to give, I wanted to support your work. You're the only furry artist I give money to, because you are hands down my favorite. I share your work with all my friends. We may not say much, but we're here as avid admirers. I'm really looking forward to whatever you produce next (and of course, the upcoming sex scene with Cobb and Ark!!!) Thank you for your art and the sacrifices you make to create it.

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Sorry to hear about all of this Shade, sounds really stressful. It’s important to not overwork yourself and avoid burning yourself out. I’m always happy to support your work even if I’m not that active with comments. Was talking to a friend of mine and they recommended working on rewards but instead selling them on Gumroad which is an idea to consider. Going back to a previous comment, it could be an idea to consider different body types rather than just muscles all the time for rewards. Perhaps you can explore more on fat content like how you did with the commissions you did for me (if you are okay with that of course). Keep up the great work and remember to take time for yourself. Your health is much more important than anything else.


I'm new to your server, but I'm a pack animal in real life. I trained pups in the military, and have a loyal/small pack of friends. I'm truly sorry to read of the issues you've suffered for your art. I want to thank you for the wonderfully character driven stories you share, and the stunning visuals you create for us. They are without peer good sir. Please take time off when you can to relax, and to recharge. Don't allow yourself to get burned-out, as this will only lead to unhappiness and stress in your life. I may be new here, but I plan to continue to be a patron of yours. Please stay well, safe, and happy!