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Hello guys! sorry for bein absent for so long. I've been very busy with a lot of personal stuff, also I've been sick this last few days so I'm not in my best right now.

Regarding's to the Rewards, Tomorrow you'll receive the Ashura reward as planed (3$ Patreons and upwards). but the Weregarurumon pack might take a little longer to finish. I was trying to finish it today, but I'm feeling really bad right now and I have to rest. So, You'll receive the reward halfway next week (Hopefully Wednesday but  maybe Friday just in case I take more days to rest), all that is left to do to finish it is to add all the lights and shadows.

Thanks again for your support this month, and sorry for the inconvenience. Love you all!

(I'm leaving a little sample for you to enjoy ;9)



Physical and mental health are both top priorities! No worries and hope you get better!