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Hey everyone, I wanted to start by thanking you guys for sticking with me through these difficult times. I know my output of content has been close to nonexistent and I'm really sorry about that. Illness has taken over my life and I'm struggling to stay afloat in the most basic of ways, so art has been out of the picture for me while my doctors and I try to figure things out. I'm a bit more stable now, so I will try to use what little computer time I'm able to have to start creating more content and work on commissions. 

As for polls I won't be making any more for the foreseeable future. I'm really sorry for removing polls, but I simply cannot keep up with them anymore. I'm not sure when or if I'll bring them back. Again, I'm really sorry for this.

Thank you for your time and support.



Take care of yourself ☀️

Chloe Greensmith

You could still do polls, but have them be opinion things like “Who is best boy, and why is it Nick?”


Take care of yourself first. We will be here when your better.