To Love a Googirl 0.53.1 Unlimited and Naughty (Patreon)
Another update with an unexpected addition. I go in tying to just tidy up stuff and add sexy things... Then we end up accidentally adding the BIGGEST DIAPER YET! It is a hyper diaper so steer clear if you are not into that kind of thing. It is easy to avoid as you basically have to ask the googirl for the first one.... for now. (more can be snagged by escaping the daycare)
As for sexy stuff, chastity no longer prevents sexual scenes completely! On top of that we have fixed stuff and rebuilt a few backend things.
-New limitless diaper! get one from the googirl by chatting
-get more by escapeing from the daycare
-Limitless diaper has special scenes when full! (only half written though)
-Boss now has aphrodisiac reactions to player when changign diaper... includes multiple random variations and versions for all chastity versions.
-sex scenes in morning unlocked chastity varient scenes instead of being skipped completely
-sex scenes at night will now trigger even while in chastity. Surpise butt fun!
-you can anal orgasm even while not a sissy but it takes longer.
-Added art for the cabin!
-created code based css change capability, like male and female version of forest icon
-using the high chair willingly enough times causes googirl to sell your other kitchen chairs.
-added small option to let the googirl use crib restraints on you later on if you said no initially.
-Urgency bar now dissapears if you are incontinent
-googirl will not sex you at night AND in the morning in the same night, (unless you are in chastity and she just wants to tease you endlessly)
-office NPCs should now itterupt your path to your offfice when you pass them in the hall WITH you.
-fixed diapersuits getting added to home inventory
-Fixed mentions of penis in sissy diaperchecks from jaden
-fixed talking to keffa about chastity shield when female
-fixed missing art for female icon in forest travel
-fixed hailey's bad case of "trulli"
-Found pig suit Boobs!!!!
-fixed HUGE error causing diapers put on at home to cause negetive diapers for another once they have run out.
-fixed missing transer in sissy mode
-asking the googirl to check your diaper at night caused DOUBLE goo accumulation
retroactive fixes
-fixed cboy achievment crashing at night