TMG 0.38.1 Dominic and blowjobs! (Patreon)
Blowjob scenes! Dominic the lion! another player made host! OMG And big changes to the custom host tester.... which I built this update! There are all kinds of weird things in this update! I had a heck of a time making this one! Omg..... From a dorito scandle that led to locking my doors at night to a watermain that bust into my basement! AHHHHH But it's finished!
Blowjob scenes!
Female hosts code built! (all pronouns swap over!)
chapter 2 morning scene built!
NEW HOST DOMINIC THE DOMMY LION (with a small pee pee)
HostTester built!
Made it easier to purchase cage
made the store happen less often if you keep picking nothing to buy!
Added an additional buy trigger for the cage.
Fixed morning punishment toy scenes from playing if item picked by player
Fixed the stealthroute for chapter 2 hosts
Added a SECRET HIDDEN Silly mode rune! (ask on the discord)
Small work on dominic the possesive lion host file
use "Dingle" as name to do a skip to chapter 2