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SO MANY CHANGES AND STUFF! Omg... I have been so sick this week. Thus why its late but I made up for it by making it massive. new sextoy, Forgotten cock, Harmony changes and additions, New effects for harmony, SO many fixes and additions Also PISS ADDICTION!

Beware the first few days as I am not know for doing things bug free... expect a mess at first.

-Can't move route added as a primer for the forgotten path.(Hint:pills, perma, high harmony, no dignety)
-The full timeskip events have been added to the new cant move route! (ITS A LONG ONE)
-Added character customization! placeholdery and WIP but we are making progress!
-added scene to ask to use pills more often if being treated like a bodypart and 100% cock
-Fleshlight sextoy added!
-Host can now sell the ring post perma (and will do it without your permission if ignoreing you)
-low harmony unlock can boost chances to masturbate
-high harmony unlock causes sex to happen more often
-added low harmony unlock scene
-added low harmony unlock bar
-added forgotten cock workday scenes
-mark future workdayscenes for partial (not in game but they are built)
-low harmony unlock now opens new workday reaction "Enjoy the day"
-high harmony unlock now opens new workday reaction "cock instincts"
-High harmony and harmony unlock can cause host to decide to PERMA you if you can't communicate
with him.
-capped max and min harmony (no more insane amounts of essence cost)
-made harmony obey the chart better and line up with the limit lines. They also represent the danger zone for when essence costs get out of control.
-night time zzzz now effected by day go faster setting
-low harmony no longer has preferance for TFed head and arms
-Made limitations for cage punishment a bit easier (ring doesn't need to be lost or perma) you still need to not be wearing it. Or merged with it.
-made starting dignity much higher
-Cage can be used at 95% ctf
-made mark less sorry about squishing you in the office
-added an enjoyit version scene to sextalk.
-gave stealth route a small mirror scene
-retroactive fix for mastrubation scenes
-fixed missing scene option in evening
-fixed.... something in keagen about ringdrain
-fixed ring lost settings after exiting stealth
-fixed a watersports scene disobeying the WS flag in stealth route
-fixed a missing link to bret's rare mail event. Soo... new content?
-Found huge logic error in programmer. false doesn't equal 10 (This was the cause of the false arms and over 100% ctf)




Noticing that sometimes it won't continue after selecting an option, and end up stuck there and having to either start over or reload


You tell me which option or send a screen shot and I will fix it! We are busy as heck over in the discord hunting bugs. We can always use more help finding them!


I haven't been able to find the cock ring at all after I lost it. The new perma choice the host makes for you (Mark in my case) also doesn't seem to properly function, still keeping you in the old gameplay loop.


Checking on the new perma choice now. but I did just fix the ring being lost!

Anna Gancarz

I'm having that problem in Bret's route. Bret can't find the ring, and the game doesn't even acknowledge that the ring has been lost a long time.


I fixed a ring lost bug just a little bit ago.... Did this error happen in version 0.35.8 0r .7?


Hi. You have a little problem. the image of the transformation on the mobile is very poorly displayed. previous versions worked.


yea the new art broke it..... It is a bit messy to fix but I am working on it.


Hey, so, I went through the unmoving route with the pills and on the last use when the big wall of text appears? It scrolled by WAY too fast to read, and then I couldn't go back to see what all it said. Is that intentional? If not, how could I prevent the super speedy scrollng? Mind you, I'm on an older laptop. so that could be part of it


It is absolutely intentional... It is just a repeated coulple of words over and over. It is the massive time skip. That sort of was to represent the passage of INSANE amounts of time. You can remember what happened during that time as well as you remembered that passage of text that flew past XD


Gotcha. Out of curiosity I checked the source code and found the text, I think, regardless- There were a couple things that seemed non-repeating which I DID miss, but I'll just try to have the text scroll set to a bit slower next time, if your choice on "slower" or "faster" day effects that at all. But yea, just needed to double check it wasn't an issue on my end. (Or at all haha)


Hmmm, will there ever be a way to keep your mass after the CTF? As in basically a hyper route.


Sort of. The art shows the player a BIT smaller than I am intending. But you are very cock like at 35% while maintaining almost neck height, art shows it a bit smaller but its close.


this was a very good update, definitely enjoyed playing through all the new content

Reeka Lina

If a mutually slutty host and a cock relationship path with cv addiction existed I'd die in bliss


I absolutely loved this update. The full cocking with the pills was a nice surprise, or at least something I hadn't experienced or thought of before. Just a few things though. 1. Any chance of adding some oral sex scenes? I would love to see some of that as a cock. 2. I noticed an error where even after the ring was sold, there was still mentions of them having it and deciding what to do with it. I would love to see those replaced with maybe some talking about, or gloating about selling the only way to change them back again. Otherwise, I'm loving this, and happy to support it. Keep up the good work!


Love this update! There seems to be an issue with the stealth route for bret. Spesifically once you get to the point of revealing yourself to him, picking the stay "just a cock" bit says its permanent but doesn't show the usual signs of being permanent, picking the thought transfer with him somehow makes the ring and investigating new runes just disapear from the system, they never come up, you can't even request he look for the ring(requesting to look in the library still exists but doesn't do anything and never comes back up).


How does one raise harmony? I cant seem to no matter what I do!




Will there eventually be a touch for being forgotten fully in stealth?

Warped Realities

So with the forgotten path, there's never an option to not move after the pills cause the timeskip for me. Am I missing something?

Luckard Alu

Not getting the cage option when at 95%. It is hard to balance it to 95% and then also get the punishment thing but it still won't do the cage. Also just curious, will longer time in the cage be added in a later update?