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OMG this was one heck of an update. So much weird stuff updated! I can't even remember.... focus should be on keagen added to stealth route and a bunch of thins working that never were.

Other game updates tomorrow



Playmore has been expanded
Knot/ws scene added
runes VERY CLOSE to ready!
keagen added to stealth route
morning scenes added to stealth route

Stealth route added to for transition to non stealth.
heavier emphasis of causing perma CTF on stealth route

head and arms bug fixed

lost ring findable (sorry about that)

partial cocks can be made perma (loseing the ring, this time it's permanent. Next patch it wont be.)

Fixed art not showing special stages

fixed box at start of game not existing

fixed some name issues


added obedience bar, not used yet. soooooon

Created on very tired programmer

password: OMGwhypenis



Just a question how do you lose the ring when you are partially transformed


Do you plan on adding any other types of dicks?


Does that mean there is an end state in the stealth route? Or any route? Just curious


First off, loving the game so far. Especially all the additions you've added over the months. Also quite interested in what you have planned for the ring on the return to normal after having spent some time as a full cock and had the ring come off. However, on this path, I wound up coming across a game crashing bug: once you get ready to fully return to normal and choose whether to pull harder or to relax and pull slowly, no matter which choice you make, the game crashes. Tried both choices and the game crashed no matter what I chose.


The password doesn't seem to work