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Finally got this update out! I know its small but was a busy month. Some fun stuff in it though, You get to beg to be a cock now. Fun XD

Also I can now stream myself coding the game. Not sure how often this will happen, but certainly going to do it again!

TMG 0.27.0
-Added scenes for begging to become a cock.  have to do it  3ish times..... but going full cock is WAY easier after that. (others  scenes to reflect this decision will be added later)
-Added ring removal and rewearing scenes
-Filled in some of the placeholder events for the book and runes
-Made the daytime scroll speed apply to the cock dreaming events, no more super slow scroll every night! sorry about that!
-Fixed the "goodmorning" bug
-Streaming  myself coding the game will now be a thing. Could be as often as once a  week... not exactly a change but is important to know

Password: booksandrings



Hmmm, when playing with Keagan, if you totally decock after begging to be one three times, the game just crashes. I have no idea if this is a new issue?