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[🎊  Happy new year everyone!!🎊]

New update and new better year!  (we hope)

This update is a massive bugfix update!!  There were bugs hiding ENTIRE UPDATES FROM THE PAST!!!!  Tons of thought and 

work this month were put into designing/discussing new mechanics and characters that are still very much in the "work in progress" stage, but once finished will be amazing!!  Hopefully we will have some of those mechanics and characters ready for you next month.  

Thanks for the continued support everyone, always appreciated!! 

link: https://xey.itch.io/patreon-access-only-tlgg0210

Password: newyeardiaper

__TLGG 0.21.0__

- 3 new buildings and a downtown area (nothing in them yet but I wanted something physical to work with)

- Long lost code of the clicked too soon mechanic! HOW DID WE ALL FORGET ABOUT IT??? It broke and no one remembered it!

- Nomnom code that was rebuilt into its own massive function and file! Can now put timer events EVERYWHERE with ease! This is way bigger than it sounds!

- Fixed numerous diaper usage bugs

- Fails accumulate much slower due to those fixes

- Locations no longer force accidents

- HUGE new code section for sleeping! It's not dreams exactly, but it will be one day. its a sort of reminder of what the player needs to do and what they have done.

- forced bathroom option when getting desperate finally working! another feature that just got lost somehow!

- Timer event added to diaper overflow. This is still a big placeholdery as a massive change to this system is coming! 

- Modified code structure to be modular, 

- Converted evening code to its own module

- Rebuilt parer code to allow colors of text and positioning as well! Now can easily change how text appears without building the entire HTML code.

- Workplace minigame now has indicators if you are close to the win squares!

- reduced frequency of 'hold it in" events due to the revival of click to soon events.

- fixed telling the googirl no to sleeping with her the first night (how dare you)

- Fixed minor spelling errors

- Save function part way fixed. Honestly I have no idea if it working perfectly at the moment. but I know what I need to do to fix it I think.



Thanks for the newest Hotfix! I finally was able to play to the current ending. Btw. was the fix for the Work-Minigame intended? Before 0.21.5 I had the correct tiles often appearing outside of the grid. That quickly got frustrating, when you knew that all of them are unreachable after 4 klicks :'D


Most of the fixes get discussed on the discord for the game. I don't normally post the hotfixes here. And yea the work minigame was fixed in 21.3? or maybe it was in 21.5 Either way it got fixed after THE RNG bugfix.