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[🎃 🎃 New update is here!! I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!!🎃 🎃]

First thing first!! We want to give a major thank you to all of those who stuck with us up til now, it means everything  !!  Also wanna apologize to everyone on our lack of transparency with keeping you updated with  progress or lack thereof.

Moving forward things will be different we will commit to being more active on the game and in the server with updates and announcements! We would like to put your minds at ease to know during every month we didn't update; we haven't charged you through Patreon. We became aware that Patreon doesn't update people on this, so now we will also mention within our monthy updates whether or not you have been charged.

Trello boards have been organized and restructured!! Also we moved down the trello board access from $10 tier to the $5 dollar tier so if you're among the people who would like to take a look at our trello boards in the $5 dollar tier make sure to look at the announcement on the Patreon.


- Complete art overhaul: redone all the character, diapers and outfits!

- Layered outfit system: implemented allowing for easy editing for future outfits.

- added basic blink animations.

- New diaper filling stages! With each stage the diaper becomes bigger art reflects changes in diaper size! (suits not implemented yet)

- Added small event when trying to leave house in a diaper

- Added a mirror intractable to swap outfits (only female supported for now)

- Added crib to buy with some consequences!

- Additional dialog for patron character.

- Reduced starting money

- Increased diaper usage frequency.

Password: "artandcribs"



it seems like i can't buy any furniture in this update(working now)


The bathroom and service call items seem to be broken. Love the added mirror process. Would love to see the high chair become interactive or fixed use once you buy it or even options to buy baby food!!