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Ok  a bit late but I got some fun stuff put in this time! SO here is the  deal, the googirl has proven to be REALLY bad at removing diapersuits.  Like across multiple versions! So we are going to let anton and his  amazing machine remove them instead. It will only take a few hours....  Also added a color matching thingamajig to diaper removal to make it  more clear what exactly you need to do to remove a diaper!

Color  match minigame, get the lock symbol to dissapear and you can get out of  the diaper! Don't expect to get out of diaper suits or goo filled  diapers even though it still lets you play the mini game!

Anton can now help you get out of a diapersuit! It wont be easy but it should be entertaining. Also its not cheap hehe.

FINALLY found that darn office countdown bug! ( I hope....)

A few tweaks here and there..... I can't remember 






Nice work! Looking forwards to see the usage of some items in the store :)