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Its been a bit of a slow start this month. I kinda flailed at fixing some code early in the month but it really didn't feel worth of a weekly progress. HOWEVER this week has actually been productive so woo onward!

For the longest time I wanted text in some places to appear on a delay. Click and then a half second later appears. But None of the darn timing functions wanted to work. So I sat down and hammered away until I finally found the problem.... setTimeout(functionname() ) Works totally different than setTimeout(functionname ). Those two blasted () were causing all that trouble. SO now I have even more control over the code! And am learning as a programmer. Now why might I need this?
I am changing the way random messages pop up. Did you know the game randomly mentions what your diaper feels like and how others are reacting to you in it? Well its so easy to miss with all the scrolling that you might not. Now it will be part of the options menu, you will basically need to click past it to get to the next set of options. This will take so much tweaking to get all the timing right but I think it will be a huge improvement. (oh and I finally fixed that sarah convo swap bug)

On the art side we have the art for the female office clothing done. This is the clothing for the rebuilt multilayered portrait. So much more will be possible once its up and working. The art for the characters will also look way more polished.

The new diaper sensations menu thing will absolutely be in the end of the month update!


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