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D .va is 166 cm tall and weighs 69 kg.

Hana Song had always been competitive. She wouldn't have been who she  was without the burning need to win. To be better. She wouldn't have  excelled as she had without it. Studying, school, games, racing, even  being a mech pilot. She excelled because she was hungry to win.    Curiously, that competitiveness never really translated to physicality.  Not until she met Zayra. The large, powerful, pink haired woman was  stunning, and unfortunately, liked to trash talk.  "Come on, skinny. Come with me to the gym. Come and get some meat on  your scrawny bones!" She teased D.Va over and over, trying to leverage  that overly competitive nature in a bid to improve D.Va's health and  fitness. It was harmless joking with good intentions. Nonetheless, it  crawled under D.Va's skin bit by bit.  Until she cracked. Until it worked. Worked too well, in fact.   The perky, waifish woman joined Zayra in the gym, only just able to mask  her blood boiling over as another mocking quip graced her ears.  Together in the gym they discovered that not only was D.Va competitive,  but she had surprisingly adept at physical activity too. She was an easy  gainer.  From the first curl, D.va felt it. The rush. The sensation of strength  flooding her limb, muscles coming to life. She'd moved up the dumbells  immediately, transitioning to a heavier weight. Zayra watched, eyes  peeling wider as D.Va burned through reps like a wildfire, arms pumping  fuller with every completed curl. That hunger to win grew. Swelled.  Engorged. Just like her bicep.  Zayra had been happy to see the sheer zeal at first, but soon it became  troubling.

The more D.Va lifted, the more the tiny woman became intoxicated by the gym. What started as a short upper body workout mutated. That hunger to win, to prove Zayra wrong, mixed with this new euphoric high. It opened up wider and larger, engulfing D.va. She didn't want to stop. She wanted to keep going and going, and soon, that brief workout became an all day, marathon, full body work out.  She'd hit every machine. Every free weight. Multiple compound lifts. All while Zayra was by her side, coaching her.   The larger, more experienced woman warned D.Va that she was over doing it. That she'd wake up tomorrow sore and all that eagerness would be bled dry. That this was be self destructive, a flame roaring moments before it went out. It was bitter sweet for her seeing D.Va enjoying this all but being so stubborn. In fact, each warning only seemed to spurn her on, going even harder. Zayra did take not of the visible, growing pump the mousy woman was developing. That wasn't normal. It didn't make sense. Nor did the intense gorging that came after their shared work out session. D.Va was breaking down Zayra's preconceived thoughts about her.   Especially when she was in the gym the next day. And the next. And the next. Things began to spiral. Hard. She got her own gym membership. Her own protein and supplements. The innocent looking brunette was quickly evolving into something new.

Zayra had a front row seat to it all. To watching D.Va surging larger and thicker and stronger. Outgrowing her mech suit, her workout clothes and anything else. Strings of muscle becoming ropes and then cords and then slabs. Rivets and curves being carved into pale marble, defined to a degree that she'd never seen. Her teasing had stopped by the second week but it was already too late. By the fourth week she'd enter the gym to find D.Va already there, laying across a bench that was creaking, a barbell perpendicular across her chest, bending under the plates.  She was clad in only a pale pink bikini - the only thing that hadn't been ripped or burst. D.Va looked down her sweaty, muscle packed form to see her gym partner. "Hey Zayra! About time you got here, I was just warming up." Zayra looked to the plates, trying to quickly sum their weight. Not matter how heavy it was, it was far, far heavier than anything she'd benched.



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