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Isabel is 383 cm tall and weighs 564 kg.

This night was special. Isabel knew it, she could feel it in her bones. She took a moment to close her eyes and invite this strange emotion in her. As she exhales, the doorbell rangs. Dean was right on time, as usual. She opened the door and bent down to kiss him for a long time. He seemed a little surprised by such passion but he returned her the favor. Gently pulling away from her beautiful and soft lips, he asked her :

- Hi honey, what a welcome ! Did I miss something ?

Isabel smiled and invited him to enter :

- I am just happy to see you. Are you hungry ?

As Dean smelled aromatic and bewitching perfumes coming out of the kitchen, his stomach began to rumble. He felt a little embarrassed but Isabel seemed happy to hear his appetite.

After an amazing dinner (Isabel was such a good cook), they decided to relax on the balcony. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, all the stars were shining for them.

They talked about everything and nothing for a while, then Isabel felt a burning, indescribable passion rise within her. She began to caress Dean with her fingertips. As her hand moved down his back, he stopped talking and looked at her with desire. Soon her top and shorts were on the floor. Surprised and very excited, Dean asked her :

- Are you sure ? Maybe someone can see us…

- I don’t care, I want you here and now.

On hearing these words, Dean undressed completely and revealed his excitation. He pressed himself against her and kissed her thighs before moving up to her panties. Isabel closed her eyes to really feel every impulse of pleasure that overwhelmed her.

All of a sudden, they heard a very close crack and strange noises. “What the hell was that ?” whispered Dean. They stopped moving and listened but the night remained silent. They could not distinguish anything in the intense darkness of the forest. But Isabel felt a strange tension in the air, something almost magical. Without truly realizing it, she held out her arm. Dean, confused, asked her a question but suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a crow landed on her hand. The purple reflections of its feathers were so beautiful that she was speechless. The raven looked at her for a few seconds, as if examining her, and left as quickly as he had come.

This night was special.



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