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Haley is 454 cm tall and weighs 952 kg.

Haley checked her email as always. She had an important meeting today, everything had to be perfect and under control. She did not pay attention to the usual stares at her huge cleavage (it was part of the plan of course, nobody could resist it and besides, she enjoyed it).

However, the man next to her seemed more and more agitated as the subway went on. He started grumbling to the people near him, but Haley couldn't hear what he was saying.

She felt upset. She hated this feeling, so she bent down to look at him. The man found himself facing her gigantic chest, it seemed so soft that he could hardly take his eyes off it. Feeling trapped by this fascination, he became even more angry and said :

- You take absolutely all the space, at least four people could be sitting where you are, are you not embarrassed ?! And I'm not the only one who is bothered, considering your size, you just have to go on foot to cross the city. And then, it's not normal to...

- Are you done ?

Haley raised her voice so loudly that the subway shook. She took a moment to look around and then continued :

- Guess what, I am indeed not normal because I am out of this world and I can fucking crush you anytime so piss off.

He never thought he'd hear that. He was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

Then he realized that the word "crush" was not a figure of speech in this case. A silence fell on the subway, everyone returned to their occupations as if nothing had happened. But there was a palpable tension in the air. Haley smiled, she had won with just one sentence. She always does.




Nice lady