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Eliana is 702 cm tall and weighs 7361 kg

Eliana and Hayden were on their third date. Hayden, who was by nature shy and reserved, did not yet realize that a story was beginning to emerge between the two of them. How was it possible that a woman like her could be interested in him ? He didn't feel special, he felt like he wasn’t very funny, rather awkward and hesitant. Eliana, on the other hand, was very outgoing and enterprising. She had promised him a surprise tonight, he did not know what to expect but was very excited. When he arrived at the meeting place, Hayden did not expect this. Eliana was waiting for him, she smiled when she saw him :

- Hey, there you are ! So, what do you think?

- I must admit, I wasn't expecting this ! But... isn't it annoying for you ? You can't enjoy the attractions...

- I've learned to live with this condition, I wanted to take you somewhere original and don’t worry, I'll have fun watching you !

Eliana then asked him to get on the Ferris wheel. Surprised by this immediate change of subject and request, Hayden didn't dare say anything and complied. As the attraction slowly began its ascent, she told him :

- I'd like to confess something to you... Gosh, I had prepared this speech and I find it so lame now. You know what, fuck it. What I try to say is I feel good with you. I feel good like I've never felt good before. I feel like... I love you.

Hayden, as flushed as it was possible to be, touched by these sweet words, kissed her.



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