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Adeline is 1180 cm tall and weighs 16172 kg.

Adeline was grumpy tonight. I didn’t really know why and she asked me not to insist so we remained silent while walking to our home. I kept looking at her discreetly from time to time, she was definitely in a bad mood. We started to hear distant music. I asked her if she could see what was going on. She grumbled :

- It looks like a carnival.

- Oh we should go there, it will take your mind off things !

- Pf, it’s for little kids, don’t you see me ?!

- Come on Adeline, could we at least try ? I am sure we’ll have fun, trust me.

- … Okay, but I won't stay if I'm bored, you're warned.

I was so happy she accepted, I wanted to make her smile. She stayed pretty quiet until we got there. I was wondering what to do when I saw it, the “Hammer me !” as we liked to call it. I grabbed the hammer and said :

- Adeline ! Want to see how strong I am heh ?!

I struck with all my strength and, to be honest, it was pretty bad but she smiled, that was enough for me. She lay down, amused, looked at me and said :

- Well, let's see how it goes for me, I'm not going to hit too hard like the oth… Ooooops !



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