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The old man could hear repetitive thumps coming towards him.  He could feel the ground shudder. The neighborhood was always quiet and  peaceful, just as he liked it – and thought should always be. He wanted  to know what was going on, so he stepped out of his house, armed with  his best lantern. He was still holding the door when his gaze met her.  He wasn’t quite sure what his eyes were seeing before him.

What  struck him first was obviously the size of the woman. But what came  immediately after was her flamboyant beauty. The light of the sunset  gave golden shades to her hair. The curves of her body seemed to have  been sculpted by an artist. The world stood still for a moment, holding  its breath like him. The silent felt like an illusion, as if reality no  longer made sense.

Dayana didn’t notice the man staring at her.  She was too busy, her thoughts were a constant storm. The sun was slowly  setting, hiding behind some trees. She was used to being afraid of the  darkness, but the coming night was almost exciting. As she tried to make  her way through the city, she felt her adventure was just beginning.  She wasn’t sure where to go, but she needed to go somewhere else, she  knew in her heart that something (or someone) was waiting for her...

Dayana is 1402 cm tall and weighs 26537 kg.



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