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This is Part II of my new series. If you haven’t listened to the first one, better do it now, pup (https://www.patreon.com/posts/femdom-hypnosis-78436923), because it teaches you how to feel happy, how to accept that your subconscious mind is mine to command and mine to fill with desires and needs.

In today’s audio I will start instilling you with the habit of being put into a deep hypnotic state where I teach you to always seek my guidance. To feel worry-free and released of all tension once you hear my voice and see my silhouette just before you  close your eyes.

I will continue teaching you to fall deep into trance in the next audios. It's  a slow and meticulous process and it needs time. So go ahead, plug your headphones in and let my voice take you over… And let me know how it felt in private messages afterwards. 



Alexander L.

Your voice is just perfect...