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Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We present to you a new dev build of Oh So Hero!

Download Oh So Hero! v0.19.000:

NOTE: If you are using the option for Linux & Win32 Builds, please do not download all the builds via the "Download" button in the top corner of the screen. Select and download only the individual build you need for your operating system.

Build changelog:

Here are the changes made since the last patron release (v0.18.500)...

New features:

  • New Enemy: Haya!
    - You can encounter this ninja rabbit enemy in Hiroto Dojo!
    - This is a simple enemy with one swooned animation and one sex animation with Joe.
    - NOTE: Haya has replaced O'Deere in the Dojo, but O'Deere can still be found in the Forbidden Bayou.
  • New Ninja Clan animations!
    - Joining the existing Trio and Pig, we now have Goat and Cat/Dog animations.
    - Each Ninja Trap laser color has one of these animations. Find all four!
  • Apple silicon support!
    - If you have a Mac with an M1 or newer processor, please download the "Apple silicon" / "macsilicon" build.
    - NOTE: Intel Macs can continue running the game with the "Intel" / "macintel" build.

Improvements & bug fixes:

  • Hiroto Dojo has updated enemy placement and some revised level objects.
  • A few items have been updated with 3D representations. We plan to do this with all existing items as development progresses.
  • Tiburon's dialogue has been updated.
  • Updated Credits
    - If you don't see your name listed, contact us. We'll have another update before our next public release, so don't worry. Access the Credits Form here for more info.
  • And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!

Red's Update:

Hey guys! How are yall?

The new enemy Haya only has one sex animation so far but I hope you like it! The Stier and Signal stuff is still in the works but should be ready by next month's build. I hope to show you more stuff later this month but for now here are a couple animated Stier previews.

Look forward to future updates for more news about other stuff that's in the work! See you guys next time!

Further Reading:

Cheers, Ribbit~



cayden maher

How do I get the threesome with the bulls?


Glitch report: defeating 1 ninja bunny stunlocks the other on the level, where he doesn't attack


Haya the Ninja Bunny is Definitely Bugged, they hit Damn hard which can add Tension sure. But after attacking with their chakram blades about 4 times they lock up and don't Attack or move anymore even if attacked. They can still be seduced though.


question is female enemy not going to be a thing


Any Chance we get an Update to the Official Playlist on YouTube? The new songs haven't been added yet.

Void The Dragon

Microsoft lists your downloads as a virus.

Ket Ralus

Microsoft is the real virus. ;D But yeah IDK why it's doing this. Try using the ZIP version? We'll try to find a solution for this.

Ket Ralus

I'll be updating the music playlist later this year. We still got a couple more tracks to release!


Radical cuz I Love the Fluffy lil Death Threat, seriously only Other Enemy to give me a Hassle to the point of actually feeling like I gotta Try to not just bumrush forwards has been O'Deere and maybe the Big Ole Froggos I love the foes that present enough of a threat to that you gotta respect their presence on screen and Properly punish them for impeding progress x3


Yeah, I just got this as well, screenshot i.imgur.com/4k5Msqb.png I assume because it's an .exe but it's weird that it's only now picking it up. I been with you guys for a while so I know it's not but I imagine it will scare a few people off Interestingly enough, only v0.19. The previous versions are still happily sitting in my downloads folder and windows doesn't care.


My antivirus is picking this up as having a Backdoor: Backdoor:Win32/Aicat.A!ml This is my first month donating to this project but I am going to just wait until this build is updated or the next build is submitted before I give it a try.


Is there a virus in the game? I didn't see one when I scaned. Someone check for me please.


There's no virus. We're looking into getting our application signed so these false positives will stop happening!


There's no virus. We're looking into getting our application signed so these false positives will stop happening!


I was able to download it two days ago without the false alarm.


hottest game ever, bar none! fuck i love this game!


God the stier have such nice asses. Joe needs to eat one!