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Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We got a new dev build of Oh So Hero ready for you! Please keep it private~

Due to time constraints, the new enemy is only 50% complete and the city area isn't in yet. We're currently using a placeholder test area for this build. We will be updating it later this month.

Changes made since last release (v0.14.310)...

New features:

  • New Enemy: Stier! Can be found in the Lood City test area at the end of Smol Beach.
  • New music from Tweaker in the new test area that will become Lood City.
  • On Windows, the game now comes in an installer setup exe instead of a zip file.

Improvements & bug fixes:

  • Improved AI for all enemies. This update focuses specifically on more natural movement and more accurate attack targeting. We will continue to revise AI during development to adjust the difficulty and make further advancements.
  • Fit camera to Goliath sex animations so it doesn’t get cut off by UI.
  • Randomize enemy sex animation when Joe is at 0 HP.
  • Enemies should no longer be able to miss attacks at low framerate.
  • Enemies should no longer be able to change facing direction during attacks/sex.
  • Swooned enemies that solo climax have a 15% chance to drop a Chillpill.
  • HUD improvements; Zenni panel now appears contextually, or in pause screen.
  • Updated credits and reordered people based on total patronage.
  • And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!

Winner of last poll:

Gatis & Stier will be coming to Game Over screen(s).

Cheers, Ribbit~



It’s time


I was just thinking about that, but I think you should implement a load and save menu. Cause if we hit new game by accident, we can't load an other save, and we have to start all over again. I don't know why it wasn't implement in the first place. ^^ Other then that, the minotaur look promising, i love the 2 scenes available, and the new ost is fire ! GG to Tweaker !

Ket Ralus

A proper save game menu will be added eventually. It wasn't implemented in the first place because doing so requires several days of work and testing. Every new feature and bug fix takes time to put in. I don't work in a hyperbolic time chamber, and thus I have to prioritize accordingly.


You speak as if I criticize the overall work of the team. It was never the case. I 've always encourage the team and give good vibrations. It was just a question that came to my mind because it is still a basic video game feature. It's a constructive criticism to me, and sorry that you took it the wrong way.


I just downloaded the exe and loaded up my save file, and all of Smol Beach is covered in mountains of sand that I can't walk around.

Ket Ralus

https://ohsohero.com/wiki/troubleshooting#when_i_m_playing_the_game_my_path_is_blocked_by_a_wall_of_sand I'm guessing you installed to the location you previously had the game in, right? You'll need to manually delete the "Oh So Hero_Data" folder and re-install.


All I did was install the exe. I read all of the information on this post and wasn't aware that there were more directions in the exe installer. Thanks for the help...


I'm kind of curious does the full frontal frog team have a vision on how long the game should be and do they plan on adding more to the narrative on what's going on in the game besides aliens invading? Also great job to the team I think this game is great from what I have played so far.


Is it possible to get into the Lood city test area? If so how? Loving the game by the way keep it up.


I still occasionally get that glitch where when going to the beach area past the swamp, it teleports me to a foreground area that contains nothing

Ket Ralus

I can't recall which bug this was. Are you in Discord? I'm on there as Ket#7408 -- Can you send me a video or screenshots? Thanks~


I am not, nor can I replicate it currently. seems random. but essentially, when going to the beach area from the swamp, I've had it send me to some section of the beach map far into the foreground. like, at the bottom of a cliffside behind where the camera is. I can see the buildings they stand by off in the background up a steep hill. and you can only go a short distance forward before a steep cliff too high to jump up. It's happened twice in this version. The second time was when loading from the new test area, where the camera was pushed back and was blocking sight of everything with some hills. I've no idea how to explain it or why it'd happen

Ket Ralus

Hmmm... that's really weird. Sorry that's happening. Next time it does, try to get some screenshots or send me a player log (see https://ohsohero.com/wiki/troubleshooting). This stuff is important for debugging because sometimes it provides clues as to why this might be happening. It's kinda like detective work.

Bunbuku Chagama

Have you considered implementing support for other languages? If so, I might be able to help with Japanese