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Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We got a new dev build of Oh So Hero ready for you! Please keep it private~

Changes made since last release (v0.14.300)...

Improvements & bug fixes:

  • Multiple 0 HP fixes (zombie, no grabs, soft-lock, etc.)
  • Fix post-sex stat changes for enemy sex attacks
  • Title Screen menu selection fixes
  • Fix out of bounds bug at start of Brask's Jungle

We'll be back later this month with more!

Cheers, Ribbit~



Longer animations would be sweet but wouldnt want the life bar to drain lol. I couldnt set the controls to be WASD instead of the arrows. Should make some muscle pec brutes, fuck their pecs by their nipples, fuck their dicks, extend the time on the animations, do some rubber or masks on the characters, do a rubber dungeon by the bad guys except it be a stage. They have their way with the guy, orgies, and cumflate him. I wasnt sure what the giant gems are for. You press up, and the thing glows but i didnt see anything happen. I hope the game would be a wide extensive game where there would be a lot in the game. A very fun game, and i really like the Toad or Frog animation. Wish it was longer but it was very hot. I really loved the Croc. I wished for more from the guy. I would totally pounce on him and bang his brains out for hours. Love your idea and concept for the game. I hope there will be a shit ton of levels, and side quests or side stuffs. Having a lot to do in the game is a huge bonus. I cant wait for whats next.

Ket Ralus

Thanks! We'll not only be making the game longer, but we'll be improving the current content over time. We've got a lot we want to do!