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Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We got a new dev build of Oh So Hero ready for you! Please keep it private~

Changes made since last release (v0.14.202)...

New features:

  • New NPC: Officer Lance! Can be found in Smol Beach (after Jungle & Bayou).
  • Additional animations for Domino & Tiburon!
  • New Game Over screen!

Improvements & bug fixes:

  • Minor dialogue graphic enhancements.
  • Fixed crash with switch in Treewish Forest.
  • And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!

Winner of last poll:

A Tanuki NPC will be coming in the future!

Update from Red:

Hey guys! Sorry for the wait but I still need more time for the minotaur. Instead, this build comes with new NPC content! Thank you so much for all your patience!

We're working on other tasty bits as well!

Cheers, Ribbit~



Is their supposed by be a huge wall of sand when I first enter smol beach


You did good, considering the hectic month. Now let's see what this officer has to offer :-3

Ket Ralus

Not sure if Patreon is eating my comments, but please try this: https://ohsohero.com/wiki/oh_so_hero#when_i_m_playing_the_game_my_path_is_blocked_by_a_wall_of_sand


I love the face Joe made at this moment : https://ibb.co/ggvSjgr I have 2 question : now that we have a new game over screen, what happen to the old one and the future ones ? Can we still proc it ? Is this picture you showed us is a game over screen as well ? https://ibb.co/YQZHzn6


Hope I can see minotaur's footjob


This game is a shining example of continuity and quality


I think if Domino fuck Joe ass better? what do you think?


I think the grammar of that question confuses me


I look forward to what else is in store. new animations look nice. Found a glitch though. When finishing a sex scene, it takes away 10 HP. if you go to 0 because of that, you don't die and become untouchable to enemies until you heal. Also even if you do die, enemies cannot touch you after you're KOed


I also had a glitch - I jumped into the swamp and disappeared under the water (or just disappeared) could move left to right but my character was missing and there was no interaction with the npc's

Ket Ralus

Can you please send a screenshot of the exact area you jumped down from? Thanks!


I cant paste screenshots here - can you give me an email to send to ?

Ket Ralus

I think even I noticed that, but didn't realize it was just them. Thanks! Will make sure to fix~

Tahr Yrre

Have you thought about adding multiple enemies interactions? When there are 2 enemies close they just interrupt your animation and it is quite rude x3

Ket Ralus

It's planned for the future. We got a lot of features we want to add that are listed here: https://trello.com/b/5EVOHedZ/oh-so-hero-nsfw


$5000 reached !! GG to all the team ! 👏🎊