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Oh So Hero Feature Poll! (Apr '20)

  • Squirrel 66
  • Mouse 81
  • Bird / Avian 135
  • Tanuki 256
  • Llama 23
  • Rat 128
  • Raccoon 138
  • Fox 177
  • Dog 139
  • Monkey 86
  • 2020-04-22
  • —2020-04-30
  • 1229 votes
{'title': "Oh So Hero Feature Poll! (Apr '20)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Squirrel', 'votes': 66}, {'text': 'Mouse', 'votes': 81}, {'text': 'Bird / Avian', 'votes': 135}, {'text': 'Tanuki', 'votes': 256}, {'text': 'Llama', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Rat', 'votes': 128}, {'text': 'Raccoon', 'votes': 138}, {'text': 'Fox', 'votes': 177}, {'text': 'Dog', 'votes': 139}, {'text': 'Monkey', 'votes': 86}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 30, 4, 0, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 22, 23, 20, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1229}


Make your voice heard! Here is where you can vote on your favorite new features to be added to Oh So Hero!

Our theme for this month is City NPC!

You can vote for as many as you want, but your vote will be most effective if you keep it to a small amount.

Reminder: Dragons are coming down the line. We are not ignoring your suggestions. There will be  dragons down the line, it will just require some set up.

Thank you for your ideas, and have fun voting! Ribbit~



Monkey feet have some potential!


Rats would make good city enemies


Something with big balls for tanooki like a very big ones X3

Zadd Buzuki

I think birds would work best because birds like tall skyscrapers, and pigeons are everywhere :v

Ryan Smith

Tanuki, of course~ I love how this fan base goes straight for the biggest balled character. You've taught use well, Red~


Wait... Only a few of these actually exist in cities. Really want to know who comes up with these lists... I mean it is fine but really... Real Tanukis are just raccoons with shorter tails. So having them both on the list is a bit redundant tbh. I am beginning to think the only thing people want is the same things. Once again I am not attacking anyone I am just getting a frustrated by the lack of selection. So far the themes have been good but as things get further down the line they are getting more random and getting more outrageous. Why the sudden change is all I am saying.


Oh and the big ball thing... Doesn't every enemy already have that? So a regular raccoon would have them too yes? I am tempted to up my pledge to see these few (I saw the list) who are making the same suggestions. Last time it was like fox, wolf, dog, and a different type of dog. They all are basically the same with different color schemes. This is really bugging me... >_<


Monkeeeeys <3 <3 <3


I voted Tanuki and Squirrel. We don't see them often. ( unlike foxes )


The Patreon marketplace caters to bringing similar interests together, both creator and consumer, and right now it seems that the majority is aligned with their interests.


So those with more money ruin more fro the group then huh? Sad to see it. You see polls are great but when a few determine the game and the majority hate it they will lose money in the long run. Why pay for it if you hate it? The poll is determined by the 10 and ups but the largest bulk are 5 and below so the few determine the whole game. See why I am miffed. You see polls can destroy a game if not done fairly and it seems 24 patrons are all that get to say what goes. Plus if they screw it up for others it does not hurt the uppers it hurts the producers of the game. I just do not want to see this promising game get destroyed by greedy and one sided patrons like so many others these days.


Rats, we're rats, we're the rats