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Hello Frog Frotteurs and Fornicators! We got a new dev build of Oh So Hero ready for you! Please keep it private~

Changes made since last release (v0.13.017)...

New features:

  • New Enemy: O’Deere! Can be found in Forbidden Bayou.
    • Attacks and AI are incomplete, but will be finished/tweaked in another update.
  • New Enemy: Blowey! Can be found in Forbidden Bayou.
    • Comes with a new water hazard mechanic that has some known bugs, but will be fixed in another update.
  • Mac build!
  • Updated credits ordering for dedicated patrons.
    • If you’re missing from the list (or lower than expected), make sure you have filled out this form.

Bug fixes:

  • Improved character lighting
  • Cas/Joe no longer has a glitch showing the wrong frame during the first animation
  • Continuing from Game Over will no longer start Joe at 0 HP
  • Player movement now happens at a variable frame rate (except jumping)
  • If you enter the title menu to Load or New Game, then back out, it will not softlock
  • No more mysterious exploding boxes when entering Brask's Palace
  • And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!

Experimental features:

(incomplete or used for debugging, and may not work as intended)

  • High Definition character animation builds (will be arriving soon; check Discord):
    • Recommended system specs: 8 GB of RAM or higher.
    • Eventually will be included as an option that can be enabled in the main build.
    • Ideal for you Goliath fans. Ribbit~
  • Debug time controls. Change speed of animations and gameplay with the [ ] \ keys:
    • [ (left bracket): slow down time
    • ] (right bracket): speed up time
    • \ (backslash): reset time to normal speed
  • Linux build
    • We don’t have the resources to test this right now, and it might not even work, but you can find out for yourselves!

Winner of last poll:

Double Penetration, will be coming in the future!

Here is a preview of the poll winner for NPC species!

He will be included in the next build! So stay tuned.

The next planned enemy is the Minotaur. Unfortunately there is still quite a bit of work to be done before we can get him in (Bayou level design completion, AI fixes, and other tweaks). But you can be assured we’re doing everything we can. As always, thank you all for your patience!

Cheers, Ribbit~



Thank you, Ket, for this glorious item. And thank you FFF, for this game!


I can’t seem to get this file to work on my laptop any suggestions?


Looking good so far. However new enemy's AI needs some tweaking. Seems he doesn't like to turn around after an attempted tackle. and if you're lusted out of tackle range, he won't walk forward to get close enough. The delay between throws might want to be lengthened too, as there is not enough time to perform an attack or lust move without being hit by at least something


Actually, after he grabs you he doesn't seem to want to do anything, unless you get in close enough to touch him. Stops throwing things, just barriers or tackles


Also... hrm.... double penetration announced at the same time as a shark npc. what a coincidence...


is it me or does the file not work? I try to unzip it but it's saying the file is invalid


Same here! I try to unzip the file and my computer says it's invalid.


For anyone unable to open it, make sure to use 7zip. Windows is being a dumb with the folder.


Oof the zip file is NOT working for me


Not working with 7zip either.


To be clear - doesn't work when opening as .zip Works when opening as .7z

Duke Nauticus

It's always like Christmas, when a new build lands. So good, even if I did manage to butt stomp myself through the floor, haha.


So what am I looking for in discord?


Debug time controls. Change speed of animations and gameplay with the [ ] \ keys: [ (left bracket): slow down time ] (right bracket): speed up time \ (backslash): reset time to normal speed I can only slow down time with ] I can't go back with the left bracket or the backslash By the way, slow down time is right bracket and speed is left for me, maybe that's why it's bugged ?


I just figured this out, this is not the same key for me. Must be my keyboard configuration. Sorry for the bothering. ^^


With a name like "O'Deere", I'm expecting to find the most irish tribal guy in the story of fiction XD


The shark looks so young and thin, I thought it would be big and stronger

Ket Ralus

I should have experimental HD builds available by tomorrow. Currently they take way too long to build. I'll post the links to them in Discord.


When I tried to start it on my linux computer it just immediately exit out. Does anyone know how to deal with this issue?


Just double checking, there's only one animation for Blowey, yes?


In which section should we look out in Discord for the HD build ?


Can you please send us your error logs? https://ohsohero.com/wiki/oh_so_hero#how_do_i_find_the_save_data_and_error_logs

Daniel Z. Davis

Is there any plan on allowing us to rebind keys?

Ket Ralus

Yes. I plan to create a menu to allow customizing the controls later this year.