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Heya everyone!

I have some life stuff I felt I needed to update everyone about since it impacts my work on the game.

Quite suddenly I find myself in a situation where I need to move in 1 week. Some things personally did not work out with my current living situation so I am quickly packing up everything and getting out of town. 

The place I am moving to is in a better city, with better rent prices, and is pretty well situated with stores and bus stops. It's honestly a huge upgrade. But the suddenness of this means I need to focus on packing/cleaning my current place to get into my new place.

So I will not get much work done on Hazelnut Latte. Which pisses me off as much as it probably pisses you off. Because I honest to God love doing this and it has been an amazing experience.

I move in a week, and once I'm in and set up I can get back to work.

Thankfully the build is nearly done! My animator recently got me some new scenes finished that I need to incorporate into the game, which is super exciting.

Kokman and I are already working on the NEXT update, v0.11. Kokman is currently drawing tons of new backgrounds which I will update everyone on soon.

And as a final note, I want to thank everyone who has supported me.

I wouldn't be able to afford living where I am and now moving to a better/cheaper place if it wasn't for all of you supporting me. <3

So while Hazelnut Latte is delayed, just know that we are still fully dedicated to it! I just need to move real quick.

If anyone has questions, they can ask it here or on discord.

And as always, Stay Rad Out There!


Isaiah Coleman

How's the progress going? You like the new place?

LilCan Man

U Enjoying The New Place?