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Hey everyone!!!

Did a lot of work on the next build of Hazelnut Latte.

All the illustrations are done!

All the writing is done!

Half the coding is done!

At the moment the update has...

  • 160+ illustrations.
  • 20 animations.
  • 21,589 words.

The work that I have left is...

Finishing up coding. Double checking the writing. Doing the audio. Setting up the image gallery and the replay gallery. Creating a walkthrough for $15 Patrons. Creating a guided edition of the game for $20 Patrons. 

So a lot is done, but we have a lot of work left to do. 

I need to head to work, but we are progressing very well on the next build!

Have a great day and Stay Rad!




Hey there, just wanted to say I played through the latest build (first time playing the game period) last night and I really love it! Hazel is great, and I look forward to future updates. That shower scene has me salivating, haha


I'm happy you're liking it!! The shower scene is a ton of fun 😉