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Hello everyone!

As 2023 comes to an end, I look back on the past year in utter bewilderment.

I started making this game for a couple of reasons. One of them was I couldn't find many femboy games to play and it annoyed me. Why not make my own? Another reason was that every other artistic endeavor I have taken has led me to the same conclusion: no success. Because while doing art for the sake of making art is fine, it's also unrealistic. I have bills to pay, and know that if I was focusing just on art it would be better and I'd be happier. I am always going to make art, but being able to have it pay the bills is the dream.

Never in my life have I had so much personal/financial/artistic success as I have had with Hazelnut Latte. It has been an incredible experience and one I want to keep growing and getting better!

This leads us to 3 new Patreon tiers! 

Know that nothing has been reshuffled or changed from the established tiers. $10 Patrons still get access to the new build as soon as it is ready. I sought to add in new rewards, not take away established ones.

$15 Patrons

This tier will be getting 2 new rewards. The first is a folder of art that will include all past pinups, sprites from the game, and lewd scenes from the game. All in high quality for your pleasure.

The other reward is a PDF walkthrough of the game. Many people have been asking for a walkthrough, so I will be compiling one! This will tell you what each choice does and how to unlock each gallery image/replay.

$20 Patrons

This tier will be getting 2 new rewards. The first is access to Alpha builds of the game. These will be way more unstable and not nearly as polished as the finished releases. But the idea is to provide feedback, try to break the game, etc. 

The other is a special copy of the game that will tell you what choices you make do as you play through the game. No need for a PDF if it's built into the game. This feature is not for Alpha builds but for fully finished updates. You will get this the same day as $10 Patrons.

$50 Patrons

This tier is unique as the only rewards are my thanks and your name in the credits. This is for people who want to help us make great games. I don't expect anyone to do this, but if you're kind enough to: thank you. Seriously. <3

Closing Thoughts

All of these new rewards will be starting during the next build of the game. v0.9 won't have a walkthrough but v0.10 will. I will be creating the folder of art soon and will make a special post for those Patrons.

Hopefully, this goes over well, but at the end of the day do realize that this is my part-time job and I need to be making a profit. I have bills to pay, rent, medical stuff I have been putting off for a while, a wedding I'm planning, etc. Things are still going to be running as usual if you are already a Patron or not a Patron. But for those who want to give a bit more for some more rewards, you have my thanks.

Anyway, I hope you are all staying Rad Out There!



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