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Hello everyone!

One issue that has arisen in the latest build v0.8, is people not being able to load their old saves to hop right into the new content.

I do want to mention out of the gate that there is a warning upon loading the game that you may need to restart. But I imagine a lot of people clicked through this or figured it was weird. 

So for the sake of transparency, I want to explain what happened here, and what I am doing to fix it for future updates.

It should be no secret that Hazelnut Latte is not a finished game. Every iteration of the game is trying to improve and expand upon what has already happened. With each update, I not only advance the story but improve the systems within the game. Updating the UI, fixing bugs, and making things run smoother. First and foremost, I am a writer turned game developer. When I began creating the game, it was rough as hell. I am constantly learning and growing as a developer. 

That means I am going back and I am fixing things in earlier segments of the game. Segments you as a player are most likely already past. If I fix something that you would encounter in the first 5 minutes of the game because it has to call to something that happens in the new content, there is a good chance things will break. 

What happened to most of you is simply that. I fixed or added a variable that occurred early in the game because of how it affects later events. The game is going to be in this state where you may run into a build that completely fucks your save. And for that, I truly am sorry.

But this is a work in progress. This game is not finished. And I want to make this the absolute best it can be. That said, going forward, I want to mitigate this. Especially as the game gets longer. The goal is to plan for larger updates so that I can fully do a sequence or a mechanic properly so that when it goes into the game, it doesn't need to be super messed with at a later date.

I hope this works, but I can't promise anything because sometimes bugs just decide to happen and ruin your one day off you have to work on your game. 

I apologize for the inconvenience and I also want to thank you for being a part of making this game better. Reporting these things to me lets me improve the game for all of us. 

If you aren't a part of my Discord, there is a channel specifically for bug reports. I try my best to play every possible route and option, but as the game grows longer, that gets harder to do.

Thank you all again, and Stay Rad Out There!



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