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Well, everyone.

I survived.

Thanksgiving is always a tough time of year for me. I have to work more days and for longer hours. It totally kills my motivation as I go into survival mode. Doing whatever I can to withstand the onslaught of the holiday.

This year was harder than most. I was the only member of management in my department as my actual manager left on Halloween. So I went it alone. Doing all the planning and execution for the holiday with little help from my store's management.

It was a lot of weird shifts, long hours, and expensive Lyft rides. But now, it's over!

I obviously need to recover since I got absolutely whipped. But once I'm back in the saddle, it's finishing up v0.9 for me.

All the art is done. I need to clean up the code, add in some art, and try to pretty up the gallery.

I don't have a timeline, but I'm hoping early December.

As for anyone wondering about v0.8 public: as soon as I can hop on and publish it, I will. You'd think after the holidays I'd have time off, but no, I'm actually writing this on my phone on a break. Hurray for mobile Patreon.

Just know that it is soon.

Other than that, yeah! New menu!

I've wanted a static real menu for a while now, and I think Kokman is already killing it with this design.

It will change once more boys arrive ;)

And that's all for me! Back to work.

Thank you all for your support and sticking with me while I've been pretty AFK.

Hope you had a good holiday, and Stay Rad!




Take care of yourself and don't burn out