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Hey everyone!

So some time ago I was developing a game called Our Last Spring. It was different from Hazelnut Latte in the sense that it was done with 3D models instead of illustrations. It also was more of a kinetic novel than a choice-your-own-adventure visual novel. I released the first episode and was mid-development of the second when I went radio silent. 

I figured I should explain what happened.

When I first started making games, I was in a huge financial deficit. I had to pay the artists and was making no money off my games. Even when I started making money, I needed a fair amount to get to the point where I was earning money rather than spending it. During that time, I decided to look into making 3D games with software like Daz, Koikatsu, or Honey Select. 

I chose Koikatsu and started to mess around. A game made this way could never be sold officially, but it was an idea to have a game in development where I could get better at writing/coding all while not having to pay more than the price of the software cost. And that was the main reason I was doing this. I was super broke and knew that I couldn't always pay an artist for new art all the time. 

So I made episode 1 and started work on 2. But then, Kokman joined the team and agreed to be paid a cut of the game's earnings instead of individual comms. This meant I didn't need to wait and spend every time, but that we were in this together with profit sharing.

And the ball just got rolling on Hazelnut Latte. We were working hard and with a sole focus. OLS just fell by the wayside. But I have been thinking about it a lot. I am trying to think about how I could keep working on it, make it better, streamline production, and make a better game overall.

So there are 3 different things we can do about this...

1. I have been thinking of just pushing forward. No redoing anything, just keep going as I planned, but probably reducing the amount of images since it was a bit much. I would probably reduce the scale of the game and focus on Ren and Kat's romance. Unless everyone was vibing with it, then I'd follow my original plan of jumping between characters and relationships. But still, probably little to no choices.

2. Restart the game from scratch with a new focus. Make it focused on a single character, probably Ren, and go after different femboys. I would like to follow the lead set by Braveheart Academy since it has a similar style and vibe. Where you have the whole school to traverse and can do stories in whatever order you feel. 

or 3. Scrap it and move on. Focus on Hazelnut Latte and other 2D illustrated games I can actually sell on Steam/Epic/GOG one day.

And... that is that!

For now, it's gonna sit on the shelf. Kokman and I are hard at work with Act 3 of Hazelnut Latte. Not to mention I have a secret project I am working on with another artist. Another game studio is interested in collaborating on a game with me as well.

BUT I want to hear what you all have to say!

I really enjoyed working on OLS it just got lost in the shuffle.

Let me know what you think, seriously, discuss. 

And Stay Rad Out There!




I love OLS, it’s actually the game that led me to HL and would love to see it continue in any form. If the original vision for OLS is unrealistic at this time, I would like to see at the very least option #1, but selfishly would love to see option #2 implemented as Ren explores his feelings and begins dating several fem boys while building up to a relationship with Kat.


Option 2 does sound like a much more interesting and fun game to me XD If I kept it, I'd want to do it like that and do it right


I have to say I like OLS. It has my interest, and it is pretty good for a game, as you said you just added ideas just to learn more how to make games. But I will have to agree with Joe's idea. Focus on what games or projects work for you now and in the future when you have learned more and have more tools to your belt you can come back to OLS and make what was just practice or a sketch and polish it into another gem of a game with more potential.