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Holy cow, there are 10 people here!

That is honestly incredible. I know 10 doesn't seem like a lot, but to me? It is.

This whole thing was a gamble. I am traditionally a fantasy author with no following outside of my friends. 

I decided to start writing smut under an alias so that there was no chance it would only be an echo chamber of my friends and I. I also wanted to see if this thing could even work. Plus, I'm a degenerate, so, there is that.

And I didn't think this would work. But so far? It's doing pretty well!

My smut romance novel, Is That Your Brother? is still getting sales.

And look at all of you here to support the game!

This game has been a big challenge for me. I haven't coded since High School (which was far too long ago) and I had to learn Ren'py. There is still much I am learning, and every time I gain new knowledge I try to make the game that much better.

It's also been a challenge since, well, I can't draw. All the art for this game is done via commission. I am already pretty in the hole financially with this game, and every time I see a notification that I got a new Patron, I feel that much better that I made the right choice making this game.

Because, honestly? This has been so fucking fun.

I've always loved video games, so being able to make one, even if it's just a visual novel, has been a rewarding and incredible experience.

I want to thank all 10 of you for being able to help me finance this game.

The more Patrons we get, the more cool stuff we can do together.

(Just wait till I actually start to make money off this stuff, huh?)

More Patrons will allow me to dedicate more time and energy to not only Hazelnut Latte, but future projects!

Maybe I'll make a post about potential future projects... I have a few ideas.

I have a day job, and I am also still writing fantasy books. Not to mention I am on retainer with FoxiCube. Those things, plus my fiancé (yes, a femboy, come on now) it's hard to find a ton of free time.

But making money here will help me put more time and energy towards these projects.

And with that, we close out 2022!

I started my lewd game and next year will see it blossom into something so much better.

We are reworking the art for the next build, but all the code has been written, and I am already dipping into code that will be used for v0.4.

Look out for future updates, have a wonderful New Year, and Stay Rad!



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