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Adam barely slept that night. He kept thinking about Rose and what he had discovered about him. An hour was spent scrolling through the account's timeline. The more and more Adam scrolled, the surer he felt that this was Rose. He had received enough nudes to know how Rose liked to see things up. How his room looked. How his body looked.

The comments were full of people wanting Rose. People offered money, to hook up, to collaborate. It churned his stomach reading them.

Adam remembered back when he first found Rose’s room. The long mirror was a big feature in many of Rose's pictures. And that camera. Adam had nearly forgotten about seeing it his first time in the room. Too stoned to retain much information.

Sleep finally took Adam and the next morning he found it hard to respond to Rose. The images he saw and the comments he read infected him. But what was really digging at him was how Rose didn't tell him.

Maybe he was going to? But when? Should he confront him?

Adam needed the truth out there. He had been hurt so many times and hurt others for holding back the truth. It was painful, but letting it stew inside you was worse. It would hurt for much longer and then you'd still have to deal with saying it.

He needed to speak with Rose. Adam knew he had to do it in person. Over text would be too much. A one-hour in-person discussion could take a whole day over text.

Adam had a midday shift that day and didn't need to be in until late the next day. He messaged Rose and said he would be coming over that afternoon. Rose was excited to see him again and it hurt Adam.

Should I say anything when saying nothing would make him happy?

Adam worked his shift, all the while his mind dwelled on what he was going to do. He had never experienced anything like this before. In a way, he felt cheated on. They hadn’t discussed their relationship and whether or not they were exclusive. That didn't change the fact that Adam was a traditional guy at heart and wanted Rose all to himself.

It wasn't as though Rose was sleeping with other people… right? He was only posting and getting paid. Was that so bad? Adam had never thought about it much before. People who made porn were just… other people. Never anyone he knew or had a romantic investment in. Sure, he was attracted to many of the people he saw in porn. But he always knew that it stopped there.

Now he was with someone who did it and he didn't know how to feel. A part of him was prideful, that he had what all these guys didn't. Adam just wished that Rose had told him before he found out.

His shift ended and he stopped off at home to wash up before heading over to Rose's place. Adam didn't take the bus and instead used the Ryde app to get someone to drive him. He didn't want to waste any time today.

Arriving at Rose's house caused a sense of sheer dread to wash over him. Adam knew that he had fallen for him and he wanted to make this work. Knocking on the door, he waited a minute before Rose appeared.

He opened the door, smiling happily. His black hair fell around him and he wore a pink crop top. Unusually Rose wore normal pajama pants, but they were loose and Adam could see the outline of his cock.

"Well hey you, miss me that bad?" Rose asked as he stepped up to Adam and kissed him.

All the anger and frustration poured out of him as he felt Rose's soft lips on his. Rose reached up and wrapped his arms around Adam's neck. Adam pulled his waist closer and kissed Rose back. Rose pulled away, giggling.

"Let's get inside, it's fucking cold."

They got inside and made their way up to Rose's room. Adam could hear Derrick in the basement playing something. Soon they were in his room and Adam's heart dropped as he saw many of the things he saw all night. Rose sat down on the bed and looked at him like a hungry tiger.

"So. Adam. You've got me here. Now what?" Rose smiled mischievously but it soon faded as Adam didn't react quite the way he expected. "Is everything okay?"

Adam stared at him. Rose looked so adorable and sexy. He didn't want to do this. Adam wanted to undress him and fuck him. He wanted to lay in bed with him, laugh with him. Play that game they bought or watch a movie. Adam wanted anything but what he was about to do. Except, he wanted to make sure they could keep being together.

"Uhm… last night I was online. I was a bit pent up sexually. Through no fault of yours, I completely understand why we didn't do stuff yesterday. But I was looking up… Well, femboys. I uhh… I think I found you. Online. Rosebud?" Adam asked and had his answer before Rose could reply.

Rose's face contorted into shock, then sadness, then anger. "What you cyberstalked me?"

Adam blinked. "What? No. I was just trying to jerk off and I found out you're doing porn and you never told me!" Adam said louder than he thought he did. Fuck, this is not how I wanted this to go.

“It’s not like I’m fucking other dudes. It’s camming! I’m still weirded out that you found me,” Rose huffed.

“The post was recent, Rose. It’s not the porn part that I’m upset about. I just think that is something you should have told me. We need to be honest with each other. Posting nudes of yourself and videos of you doing stuff should be a pretty upfront conversation.”

“I didn’t want you thinking I was this… pervert, or something. Or this degenerate who likes to post my ass online. I didn’t-”

“Want to be looked at differently?” Adam finished and Rose tried to not cry.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was trying to find the right time to. Honestly, I never thought you would… find it.”

“Well… Fuck, I did. And, God, I don’t know, Rose. Why even do it?” Adam asked earnestly, wanting to understand.

“Will that help anything?”

“If it’s something you do and I don’t get it, then yeah. I want to understand you. I just don’t like the lying.”

“I didn’t lie,” Rose said stubbornly.

“You withheld certain truths, yeah, but you should have told me.”

“I was going to!” Rose yelled as he threw a pillow at him. “You think I fucking wanted you to find out that way? Fuck! I was going to wait to see how things were between us before letting someone know that in my spare time I sit in here and shove stuff up my ass for money. Do you know what I mean? Like, we haven’t known each other for long. Yes, I do like you, a lot. But in the grand scheme, we are still just acquaintances. I wanted more time before I could trust you with a thing like that. Not even my family knows. Dammit, Adam! This was really shitty of you,” Rose declared and curled up onto his bed.

Adam sighed and realized he was starting to cry. He started to think that he misjudged the whole situation and shouldn’t have taken this approach. But with what he knew, what else could he do? Probably something else, but he didn’t know and it was too late now.

Moving over to the bed, Adam placed a hand on Rose. “Hey… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for calling you a liar. You’re right. It’s a lot to tell someone you just met. But, I’m willing to hear you out if you want? If it’s something my boyfriend does.”

Rose looked over his shoulder. “Boyfriend, huh?”

Adam grinned. “Of course.” He sat down on the bed and Rose shifted to sit against the wall.

“Well… Growing up was tough. I didn’t like the way I looked and was picked on a lot for being a loner. I dressed in big clothes and hid a lot. I had eyeliner on but people chalked it up to me being goth or something. Then it was painting my nails, then growing my hair out, styling it. I felt better about myself but I got picked on for being a girly boy. The few friends I had were other loners who just wanted to smoke weed. I was so isolated. Not to mention Derrick being so shitty to me.

"So, I went online. Found other people like me. They accepted me for who I was. A trap. A femboy. A cross dresser. Gay. I posted pics and people liked them. Liked me as I am. They didn't make fun of me for being a guy who likes to dress and act like a girl. They liked me for me.

"Then I talked to other femboys and they told me it's their job to post pics. Basically what I was already doing. The thing about being a femboy is that the people online do accept you, but they don't see you as a person. You're treated like a sex object. Something to obtain and fuck rather than love. So even though people complimented me and paid to see me… I still felt alone.

"Until you, Adam. You saw me as a person and I didn't know how to handle that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I cammed and stuff. It's just fun and gratifying to be wanted. To make people happy. Yeah, to get them off, but they're frustrated like me and they need something. I should have told you upfront. I'm sorry," Rose finished and Adam stared at him for a moment.

“I… understand. If I could do something like that,” Adam softly laughed. “I probably would. I don’t particularly care for how I look. If there was a whole bunch of people telling me I looked good and they wanted me? Yeah, I’d do the same. I don’t hold that against you. You’ve had it rough. I’m just sorry I didn’t let you explain things in your own time. That was really fucked of me,” Adam said as he tried his best to hold his tears. “I guess I just got kinda jealous of everyone seeing you like that.”

Rose moved close to him and Adam’s skin tingled as he felt Rose’s hot breath. “Do you want me to stop? I-I can stop,” he sounded desperate.

“No,” Adam replied, raising a hand to his boyfriend’s cheek. “If you like it and it makes you happy, I’m okay with it. But I want to be the only one who touches you. Who is loved by you. Who has you. I don’t want you to give up anything for me cause you think I won’t approve. Unless, like, you’re in a cult or something. Ritual sacrifice is probably a deal-breaker.”

Rose laughed. “What if I had a cute cult outfit?”

“I’m sure you can make a creepy robe look sexy,” Adam chuckled and he felt Rose wiping some tears from his cheek. “Do you want to keep camming?” Adam asked seriously.

“Well… It is my only source of income. While it is fun to take hot pictures of myself and get a bunch of comments, they are creepy sometimes. And a lot of them want to date me but are obsessed with wanting to fuck me. It can be a bit much at times.”

“If you ever think about quitting just know that I can provide for you,” Adam thought but realized all too late that he had actually said it. Rose blushed and then smiled devilishly.

“You’d take care of me, huh? Adam?”

Now it was Adam’s turn to blush. “Gah, well… Yeah! You’re my boyfriend, right? I’ll take care of you and treat you well. Make sure your needs are met and uhh, wow, I’m getting ahead of my-”

Rose kissed him quickly and soon Adam was on his back with Rose hovering over him. He sunk into the kiss and felt Rose’s legs straddle him. Adam ran his hands up Rose’s thighs and gripped his hips. They began to move and their cocks rubbed together through their pants.

Adam broke away for a moment. “Hey, is this okay? I mean, we were fighting and-”

“We don’t have to,” Rose smiled at him. It had been a while since the two of them had sex. Adam still wished he had taken him in the arcade. He wasn’t going to waste another chance.

“Take off my pants,” Adam commanded and Rose’s eyes widened.

“O-Of course,” Rose stuttered and worked at Adam’s belt, soon pulling down his jeans and being face to face with his hard cock. Rose grinned and gently took the base in his hands, looking up at Adam. “I haven’t sucked you off since you found out I was a guy. Now that you know, I think you’re harder than last time.

Adam couldn't help but laugh. “Probably. Now that I know it’s a sexy femboy’s mouth around my dick. Now that you’re mine,” Adam whispered and it had the desired effect. Rose licked his lips and moved down to Adam’s balls. He moaned as he felt them being sucked into Rose’s mouth. Rose tenderly worked his tongue around them, using a hand to jerk Adam off.

“Fuck,” Adam sighed as he laid back and pulled off his shirt. Rose felt incredible. No girl had ever made him feel this good.

“Really?” Rose said and Adam realized he had thought out loud again.

He looked down, grinning. “Don’t get too excited.”

Instead of saying anything, Rose took Adam’s cock in his mouth and greedily worked it deep into his throat. Adam moaned as he felt the tip press against the back of Rose’s throat. He gurgled on his cock as he started bobbing his head. Adam could hardly take it. Rose looked so cute in his pink crop top and pajamas. He had been so pent up and didn’t want to admit that seeing Rose’s feed online made him hard a couple of times.

“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum!” Adam moaned and Rose seized the moment of weakness. Rose rubbed the area below his balls and Adam almost cried out. It felt so wonderful, and looking down he saw Rose’s green eyes staring up at him. He wanted him to cum, so Adam did. Rose sighed and drank all his cum, still bobbing. Adam shuddered as his over-sensitive cock continued to be stimulated. Rose sat up and smiled at him. Adam smiled back but saw that through Rose’s pajamas, he was hard as well.

Adam sat up and kissed Rose, then took his head in his hands. “Can I eat you out?”

Rose’s face turned red. “I, uh, washed up pretty recently.”

Before Rose could say anymore, Adam was flipping him over and pulling down his pajamas. Rose’s ass was plump and clean-shaven. It looked just like a girl’s, except for the cock and balls that hung between his legs. Adam thought that even those looked girly. He used a hand to shake Rose’s butt and gave it a firm smack. Rose yelped and sighed, shaking his ass for more.

“How do you have such a juicy ass?” Adam asked, smacking it again and leaning in to kiss it.

“Lots of squats,” Rose said, shaking his butt. “You like it, Daddy?”

“I love it,” Adam whispered as he let his tongue slide into his ass.

Rose moaned loudly and let his front half collapsed onto the bed, keeping his rear up for him. The reactions from Rose however were just what he wanted. Rose squirmed and wiggled as Adam tongued his ass. A hand stayed on his butt, squeezing it playfully. His other hand moved to Rose’s cock. Adam started to play with it and Rose giggled cheerfully.

“Mmm, you like my ass? Even with my useless cock hanging there? Oh fuck,” Rose groaned as Adam stroked his dick and pushed his tongue deeper. “Yes, Daddy! God, milk my useless little sissy cock. Yes!” Adam worked Rose’s cock deftly as he alternated licking his ass and fucking him with his tongue. Adam shook and smacked Rose’s plump butt. “Oooooh, yes! You’re gonna make me cum! Please don’t stop, Daddy! Please! Fuck!” Then Rose’s cock convulsed and he shot warm cut all over his bed. Adam kept stroking his dick but stopped eating him out.

He let Rose stop cumming and he looked paralyzed with his ass up in the air, wet with his saliva. Adam stared at Rose’s ass longingly, and he soon found that he was hard again. He got up and moved around to where Rose’s face was. Without comment and without protest, Adam lifted Rose’s head and shoved his dick down his throat. Rose was awake again, hungrily taking Adam’s dick, slobbering all over it.

“Make my cock nice and wet, baby. Daddy wants to fill that bussy up with cum.”

Rose gurgled something, but Adam knew he agreed. When he was done, he popped his cock out and Rose panted for air. Adam knelt and kissed him passionately. Their tongues danced in their mouths and when they parted, Rose had the most loving and sexually depraved look in his eyes.

“Breed me, Daddy? Please? Adam?” Rose begged and Adam agreed. He got back on the bed and pushed Rose down so his belly was flat against the bed. Adam stradled Rose’s legs and his wet cock landed between Rose’s bubble butt. Eagerly, Rose shook and bounced his ass against Adam’s erect dick. He took a moment to enjoy it and even gave him a spank. Adam spread Rose’s ass and spat. Rose shivered as Adam poured some of the lube by the bed over his cock and then Adam popped the head inside.

Rose felt so incredibly hot and wonderful. His moans were so lewd yet adorable. Adam started slow, letting Rose adjust to him. Rose kept wiggling his butt all the while, which made Adam moan as it was focused on the head of his dick. He pressed deeper and Rose moaned into the bed. Adam then realized that he had never fucked Rose from the front. He continued slowly making his way into Rose and then grabbed his legs and deftly spun him around to face him.

The look on Rose’s face was pure shock and he blushed when his eyes met Adam’s. “W-why? I thought you liked my ass,” Rose whimpered as Adam pressed his cock deeper.

“I love it. But I wanted to see my boyfriend’s face as I fucked his cute little bussy. I wanted to see his small cock flop around helplessly as I fucked you. I’ve never seen your face when I make you come. I want to take in the sight of you. Because I love you. Because I need you. Because it’s easy to trick my brain into thinking you’re a girl when I’m giving you backshots. But I know you’re a boy. You’re my boy,” Adam grunted as he started to thrust his hips faster.

Rose’s face did not disappoint. It was a sea of utter embarrassment and sheer pleasure. He threw his arms around Adam and moaned. “I’m yours! Fuck, Adam, I’m your boy! Please fill me up. I only want your big cock!” He looked so cute in his pink crop top, with his flat chest and small cock. He looked so much like a girl. He was beautiful.

Adam held onto Rose and kept sliding his cock in and out of him. Rose shuddered and moaned under the impact of his dick. His ass was so hot and better than any girl he had fucked before. It was so much more intense and blissful. Every thrust caused Rose to moan into his ear and mutter incoherent pleas to keep fucking him. Adam felt Rose’s cock slapping against his stomach and actually liked the feeling.

“God, I want to fill you up like this every day,” Adam growled into Rose’s ear as he held Rose’s legs up, giving him more room to thrust. Rose yelped but bit Adam to muffle it. Adam grunted and oddly found himself enjoying the feeling. With Rose’s legs up to his chest, Adam took advantage of the more space he had to rock his hips. Soon, Rose was panting into him as Adam felt him cum. The warm liquid was sticky between their stomachs. “Cumming again? You like Daddy’s big cock that much?” All Rose could do in response was moan.

“Your ass feels so fucking good. My sissy boy. I wish I could get you pregnant when I fill you up like the femboy you are,” Adam whispered and Rose’s tightened up around his cock. Adam shifted and felt something press against his dick. When he thrust into it, Rose clawed at his back and panted wildly.

“Fuck! Daddy, right there! Please fill me up!” Rose whimpered. Adam grinned and started hammering Rose’s prostate. He fucked harder than he thought he could. Adam figured it was because he meant what he said. He loved Rose. Adam held him tight as he fucked his tight wet bussy. It was too much for him. Rose’s moans, the way he breathed, the way he felt. Suddenly, Adam was cumming, and it felt like hours before he took his cock out of Rose. The two laid there, kissing each other softly as Adam slowly rocked his half-erect shaft in and out of Rose’s ass.

They kept fucking until they collapsed. Woke up some time later to wash up, and then cuddled until late the next morning.

And that was Chapter 10! I will read it over and edit it before I post it to Hentai Foundry, but it's looking like we are coming to the end of our tale pretty soon!


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