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Hey gang! It's been a hot minute since I've written out what is happening with the game.

As you've seen, we've been fixing some sprites, making the whole game come together beautifully. It's what you're looking at 90% of the time, so we want them to be perfect.

But what else is going on?

No New Update Yet

Cut that off early; the next update is not ready yet before anyone gets excited. We are still waiting on the animations. I have no idea when they will be done. Once I get them, then it's off to the races!

In the meantime, we've made progress on our mobile build of the game and got it 95% working! It is a lot lighter, so we hope it plays better for people. We are also looking at other ways to reduce the size of the game by redoing how we create sprites and save our images. Once we do this, it will be a bit of a process, but it will slash the memory required to run.

Lastly, I've been planning and plotting! I attached an image of my documents with outlines for Episodes 6 through 16! Admittedly, 13, 14, and 16 aren't complete, but the rest are well plotted out. I've been taking this time to rest but also gain inspiration to figure out the rest of the game, and I think I have.

Currently, my plan is for Hazelnut Latte to be 24 Episodes.

I don't want this game to be like some lewd games that go on forever. I want it to have an ending, and I don't want it to drag on forever. 24 episodes is a solid amount of time and will be a LOT of game.

After all, I want to move on to my next game ideas at some point. ;)

This number could potentially change, but I don't think it will. Seeing as I've got through Episode 16 figured out, that is most of the game right there.

That is all for today! Kokman is working on drawing the new character existing in the game world, which will be cool to see.

Thank you all for your wonderful support, it actually means everything to me, and Stay Rad Out There!






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