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Hey everyone!

We have all the art done now for Episode 5!

But we're not ready for release yet.

With this newest scene, we decided to work smarter and not do what we usually do: draw 3 to 8 different frames to simulate animation. This was our practice before an animator was available to do these scenes. Now that we have an animator, we decided to spend more time making the lewd scenes look good than drawing 5 different versions. So, before we can have Episode 5 go into its final Alpha, we want to get all the scenes animated.

Which doesn't mean the work is stopping.

Noba and I are working on making a more stable mobile build to stop people's phones from breaking (joke).

We also need to make the guided build for $20+ members, finalize the walkthrough, add more gallery unlocks, and do one more sound pass. I am still waiting for moans from Vera's actress.

That is all the work needed for Episode 5, but naturally, I am working on Episode 6 as well. I recently started the tedious task of adding sprites to conversations. There are some lewd scenes to finish up, but I'm waiting for the mood to strike if ya get me.

I will keep trying to work ahead to make things easier for us. Knowing where the ship is headed makes navigating a whole lot easier.

I apologize to everyone who has been waiting for this new update. We're working very hard to make it excellent for you all.

You will all know as soon as the animations are done and approved!

For now, Stay Rad Out There!




Don't apologize for the masterpiece you are creating 🫡


"Noba and I are working on making a more stable mobile build to stop people's phones from breaking (joke)." Umm....should I be worried ?


Some people have trouble playing the game on mobile because it's a 4k resolution game.