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Hey everyone!

Bit of a weird update.

I spoke with my developer about using Evil Dead and other properties in Hazelnut Latte. I was concerned that there could be a problem when we launched the game on Steam, and they agreed.

This means every reference to a real property in Hazelnut Latte has been changed to a fake name. Now, why? Who would care?

It is completely possible that we keep the games as they are and nothing happens. But, there is a chance some copyright holder will find out somehow and decide to sue us. That would mean spending a ton of money to lawyer up and fight a mega corp. Even if they are in the wrong, it would absolutely financially cripple me.

Why would they do this? To protect their brand. Usually, companies will sue for name usage if the name is used in a negative light. And I would imagine most companies would see a lewd game as a negative light, even if I spend a whole two episodes singing the praises of Evil Dead and how amazing it is.

To avoid any potential legal blowback, I have changed the names. It sucks, I hate it, but I'd rather spend time changing Evil Dead to Evil Head and Kingdom of Heaven to Crusade of Heaven than have to face a studio in court.

It's just not worth it.

So, this is me getting ahead of the problem and Greeking all the names.

You may still be able to figure out what we are talking about, which might add to some humour.

This change will take place in v0.11.3



But the ash cosplay is still gonna be there. So is hazel just going to refer to it as something else then ? Maybe a Cash cosplay...... I'm not good at coming up with fake names. Much love! <3


Bash Williams of the hit film series Evil Death and yeah, it's staying xD