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Howdy yall!

I did some work on the game today!

If you saw, we revamped Mr. Noto's sprite. He has way more expressions and poses now since he will be a major character. So I rendered those and went back and redid every scene with him. Even the new ones! He now really looks like he fits the scene now, where before he was shaded JUST for the restaurant.

I also did a lot of bug testing today! Going through the episode, trying to break it (and I did) and making sure everything looked good. I didn't finish cause there are a lot of rabbit holes to traverse. Next time I work on coding, which will be Monday, I will continue my bug hunt.

I'm about to start my weekend with the husband, but tomorrow he has a routine doctor's appointment so I'm going to crash at a coffee place nearby so maybe I'll get some writing done.

But we are getting super close to v0.11.2, which will be the next Alpha for $20+ backers.

Here is my To-Do list for that:

  • Get last piece of art from Kokman (I have one more piece I really want before I put the alpha out)

  • Kill all the bugs I can find

  • Read it again looking for instances where a variable may alter dialogue

  • Finish the walkthrough up through v0.11.2 (which is also why I need that one image)

...And that's it!

All of this is my main focus for Monday. I'll likely get that Kokman art piece over the weekend so I can slap it in.

I definitely want the build out by the end of the month, but we'll see how bad the bugs are.

I'd love to have it out on the 29th so I can spend Thursday responding to feedback and fixing stuff yall find.

And that is all for now! Thank you all for your support and patience!

Don't forget to Stay Rad Out There!



Yay! Can't wait for the 29th.


Good Lord, you work fast!!!! It's getting hard to keep up and respond to each post, LOL! But that's great that you're almost done! Can't wait to see it finished! Anyway, how's the married life suiting you? Also, I've been meaning to ask this question for awhile now, but did your husband inspire you to make this game? Just curious.


Being married is great! XD Having a blast. And my husband definitely made me figure out about femboys, but I was already into the idea, I just wasn't fully exposed to it. But I was inspired to make the game because A. I wanted to make a game. And B. There were no lewd games about femboys that were anything like what I wanted so I took matters into my own hands :D