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Howdy everyone!!

So today was a pretty solid day of coding!

Pretty much the entire episode has sprites! I am still waiting on a new sprite and an edit to an existing one. But I'd say we're 90% there.

Which is so exciting! Today I was doing the scene you see attached which involved 5 characters on screen! Fun stuff :D

What next?

The next big goal I have is to go through everything and make sure nothing is broken and everything has sound effects and music.

I think I'm good on that front, but I want to make sure.

Then I need to figure out good stopping points to put in for the next Alpha!

It won't be the whole episode since the last lewd scene isn't finished, so I need to find good places to stop it.

There are more art pieces needed that Kokman needs to do so Alpha 3 is a bit of a ways off. Kokman is also going to start redoing Hazel's sprite! :O That was a request from the survey and I agree. Hazel looks great until every other character is around them. Case in point, the image above. Everyone else is shaded and done in a different style. Which makes sense, Hazel was the first sprite. We are also going to adjust Mr. Noto's sprite. It was made specifically for Episode 2, so he is lit and shaded for that location when he needs to be ready for any location like the other characters.

Noba and I are also hard at work revamping the gallery! It may or may not be in Alpha 2, we'll see how things work out, we might just hold off for 3 to do that.

And I need to start drawing up a list of animations to commission in the hopes of making v0.11 the first update to be fully animated when it eventually comes out.

Anyway! I am tired and haven't logged into Destiny in a few days so I'm gonna do some nightfall missions.

Thank you all for your continued support! It really means the world to me and my landlord also appreciates it.

Have a great day and Stay Rad Out There!




Oh man, you got a ton of work done! So just get some rest for a bit, and just chill! Also, it's cool that you play Destiny, I play it sometimes too! Maybe we could play together sometime? Or better yet, we can make it a thing where you play Destiny and other games suggested by, and with your backers!? That'd be a fun reward system!


Oh noooooo. It's not going to be a good morning for Ms Jones is it ? :(