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It's a teaser trailer for the full roughly 3 minute animation. I've animated about 14 unique animations for this project over the past month and a half, and the trailer only shows one of them.

Right now I have a blender file that has the full 3 minute animation with a few steps to finalize it, but there is a problem I didn't anticipate. The big problem is the fact that I have the entire animation loaded onto one blender file. This is a problem because that blender file is sooooo big and sooooo laggy that I can't hardly do anything in it. All of the assets in the Jinx project are organized and ready for final touchups, but I can't do those touchups because the file is so heavy and unoptimized. The solution to this problem is to cleverly divide that one blender file into a bunch of more managable files while also optimizing the heavy elements inside the file. 

I really thought this project would take a month, but now we're in month number 2. Hard to say when the full video will come out, because dividing this whole movie into separate files is easier said than done.  Finacially this is not ideal for one project to take this long. So, I'm changing gears and attacking this problem at a different angle. While I'm working on solving the remaining technical challages with the Jinx (REDACTED), I will also be making short TikTok dance videos with and (REDACTED) like the Festival Lace one to raise a little more funds to get me through February. These dance videos are easy to make and output really fun content. Like... The Festival Lace Dance video was made in 1 day. 

Your support means the world to me. If we manage to raise enough to keep me full time working on this project, I'll be able to finish it and revist the Spiderverse (REDACTED), and RWBY (REDACTED). It's a tough mountain to climb, but I think if funds get up to about $600, that will be enough to finish this Jinx project within the month. 

I got no plans on stopping, and with you guys' support we can make this happen. 


欣 田

you'r great, thank you very much for your animation


Your animations are god tier! and more Jinx is always good :) Also the Jinx model in that bar animation is the closest I've seen to the arcane one, she looks so good! And I love the short tiktok style dancing videos! Keep up the good work mate and take all the time you need!