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You want to install Blowtorch, my mod that takes out the ugly modern deco in Sims 4 worlds, but you are confused. Here comes a more detailed explanation.

Step by step:

  1. Download the files either from Patreon or SimFileShare
  2. Unzip the zipfile called Blowtorch

in your Documents folder, or other folder where you keep sim files, outside of game folders. This zipfile just contains the file structure.


After unzipping the mentioned files in Documents/Blowtorch, you have a repository for the mod.

Now you can always reinstall or uninstall it with two clicks.


This is what the Documents/Blowtorch should look like after unzipping everything.

Select the folder named The Sims 4. Right click. Copy.

Now, click on shortcut to YOUR location for gamefiles – I provided one for EA Games (if you have EA app) and one for Origin (If you still have the files in the Origin folder) Both these are in C:/Programs – if you have them elsewhere, go find them – for example on an external harddrive.

The shortcut takes you to the The Sims 4 directory where all the game files are installed.

Paste the The Sims 4 folder from Blowtorch you just copied, here. You will be asked to overwrite files. Say yes.

If you want to uninstall, repeat this process, but copy the The Sims 4 folder in Original Files instead.

If you don’t have all expansions, or for other reasons, want to keep some worlds NOT Blowtorched, go inside Blowtorch/The Sims 4 and delete the worlds/hoods you DON’T WANT, before copypasting the folder to the game folder in C:/Windows.

Oh, and save the downloaded zipfiles somewhere. I am sorry I had to make it a 3-part-download but the limits of filesizes are what they are.


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