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The Vargas inspired shoot!




Gorgeous colours in this one - another triumph!

Beau Jágr Sheldon

These are so unbelievably gorgeous and stunning!

Jamar Anthony

I definitely wanna taste you. Nothing else. I’ll even leave my jacket on...

Ryu Yukio

Have never heard of The Vargas. Looked through. Beautiful and yes, colors the photographer delivered are quite beautiful and the image you transfer..well don't want to be rude and spoil compliments above. Kiddin'. I consider you as a woman for whom all arab quotes of love and beauty and depth are created. Russian poets write poems about your kind of being. Italians paint fresco. French people grow gardens of roses. Spaniards invent their passionate dances. And one humble jewish person tries to say something intelligible)

Ryu Yukio



Always beautiful