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TL;DR - Due to a recent opportunity in my academic life, I will need to drastically restructure how this page operates. Tiers promising polls, Alt sets, and monthly rewards will no longer be offered for the time being. Please take all the time you need to consider the status of your pledge, and thank you all for everything you’ve done for me in this last year.

Good morning everyone. I hope this month has been treating you well.

I’m posting today to inform you all of some news that’ll impact how this page will be run for the next foreseeable future. I’m pleased to report that I was recently accepted onto a research team for both the Fall and Spring semesters of my college year. Although I will not be sharing the details, this particular project is dealing with the same subject matter I hope to work with in my future career, and as such I could not be more excited.

Less thrilling is how this opportunity is set to impact my social media presence. Before I say anything else, I want to make it clear that I will continue posting no matter what! I’m not going anywhere, and I still plan to draw for as long as I’m able.

It would be both impractical and dishonest to suggest that I would be able to handle this new position and my Patreon simultaneously. I have already been stalled from opening commissions back up since the start of my semester with my new class schedule, and as such I know that no matter how thin I stretch myself, I simply cannot handle class, this new mentorship, and the Patreon page as it currently stands.

This will not mean a total closure. Instead, I have decided that, for the time being, this page will become more of a dumping ground for content I would have already created but don’t post publicly. What this boils down to is essentially only posting updates to the IRL archive, PSD files of commissions, and WIPs. Of course, existing rewards will stay up, along with a link to all the other alts sets to be made available each month for anyone who joins.

As a result, I will be removing or adjusting tiers that promise monthly rewards such as commissions, polls, and alts sets. Should you choose to continue supporting me, do so knowing these are rewards I simply can no longer promise in good faith.

Moving forward, the plan is to open commissions back up, but on a slightly more selective basis. These days, it’s more befitting of my schedule to work on sequence comms or otherwise commissions that are ordered with the idea of them being long-term projects. I’m hoping this will lead to a far more manageable schedule where I only have a few commissions to work on at a time instead of small-scale comms, Patreon work, and Rewards. It’s impossible to say if this direction will accommodate my financial status down the line, but think of this as the best-case-scenario rather than what you’ll actually be seeing from me directly after this post.

I fear my way of typing may betray the actual heft of this decision. I have never stopped appreciating all of those who decided to support me regardless of how long or what tier. Many of you have messaged me personally saying that you have wanted to support me for a while, and it sincerely boosted my confidence in this community to an unfathomable amount. It’s because of this that I feel bad for ultimately coming to this choice, but as I’ve said, I know there’s no other way to handle my art-related pages for now. I couldn’t be more excited about my new position, but I do have regret for the time it’ll inevitably take away from this passion of mine.

As a show of thanks for those who’ve contributed so much, all Master and Overlord tiers who’ve been pledged to that tier for more than 3 months will continue to receive their discounted rate should they ever like to commission me in the future. It was a pleasure exploring my art with your characters.

One final poll will be held later this week featuring two characters as the winners. Thank you all for everything you’ve given to me and my art, there’s no way I would have been able to get this far were it not for your support.


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