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Part 1: https://dai.ly/x8b7opv

Part 2: https://dai.ly/x8b7psx

Part 3: https://dai.ly/x8b7rdg

Part 4: https://dai.ly/x8b7rl8

PASSWORD: nomorestarbucks



If the teams were required to list a team one level above, I'm sure WJSN would have been voted. I mean I understand Hyolyn thinking no one is above her but honestly would be nice to hear her thoughts on whose performance she enjoyed even if she felt she did the best. Not just Hyolyn but for all the teams. Acknowledging your competitors keeps the atmosphere bright too. Overall really happy for Brave Girls! If you do watch the finale, I really don't mind the skipping. The performances and of course the end results are the most important.


This! To be honest, Hyolyn is never obligated to vote anyone above and I don't blame her at all for not doing so, but it would've been so nice to hear her thoughts on the other performances that she enjoyed. I feel like Hyolyn picking anyone above would've sent a good precedence for all the other groups to do the same because she is the biggest sunbae after all. Much like how every group in Queendom 1 always picked someone above them to give them praise. I mean, the groups this season had more to lose but picking above definitely made Q1's Above/Below vote section so much more enjoyable, that's for sure.


As one of the global evaluators for 3rd round, no way in heck were we going to let Brave Girls get eliminated! Also, their performance sure as hell was made for the Fantastic Round. If you were to watch that without context, you'd still get that it was for their fans. (Unfortunately, to the detriment of Hyolyn's score... For sure she didn't deserve 6th there. Though, tbh when you're evaluating, we only got the performances and then we had to vote right away. Everyone's performance lingered in our minds, while Hyolyn's just finished. And on the video, it was kind of confusing what she was going for. Like I didn't understand who Hyerim was and etc. I think people were shocked cuz it was the first time Hyolyn's performance didn't blow everyone else out of the water.) And ACTUALLY tho, Fifi?? An All-Stars Queendom with all the winners! omo, that would be so fun!! (but idk how willing Mamamoo would go back to an Mnet survival show lmao) To be fair, I think the live audience has the best pov on these stages. For that rank, it went more like: 1. BG 2. WJSN (by a crazy small margin. Safe to say those 2nd votes were almost evenly split between BG and WJSN) 3. Hyolyn 4. Loona 5. Kepler 6. VIVIZ My ranking has always been more like: 1. WJSN 2. Kepler (idk, they finally stepped it up here and I was impressed, regardless of song choice) 3. Hyolyn 4. Loona 5. Brave Girls 6. VIVIZ Anyway, hope you're having a good day, Fifi. I've rewatched most of Q2 with you so now I should probably go do something productive irl 😅