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My little chunky growing fatty. Don’t you think you should go jogging instead of eating cookies? Your shirt is looking awfully tight. I seen you on the scale the other day. You seemed disappointed. Maybe it's the extra calories you have been eating from staying inside all day. Your tummy looks a bit plump too, along with your muffin top. Do I need to buy you another size up? Your weight is creeping into the 200s. Pretty soon your doctor will check “morbidly obese” on their chart. Do you want that? Oh! You can’t stop eating? That's your fault, silly piggy. Keep eating sweets all day and you are bound to fatten up. 

You really are porking out fatty. How many servings does that make? Four? Cute. You really do need to diet fatso, your ass is getting out of shape with the rest of you. You're even getting winded by a single flight of stairs! I can hear the floors creaking underneath your girth now. You sure do love guzzling liters of pop down. That's terrible for you fatty. How many times do you eat out in a week? Greasy, fatty, calorie loaded burgers fill you up every other day. You’ve gone from a small meal to a large now. Pretty soon you will be doubling that. 

I really can’t believe you have gotten this big. You’re an absolute pig now! You’ve grown so fat you can’t even see your feet! What a tub of lard. I know you are embarrassed about your weight but you did this to yourself. Eating non stop and grazing throughout the day. You eat your paycheck away every week don’t you. A prisoner to food. Your double chin says it all. How big are your pants now? Xxxl? Going to need more fabric to hold that massive belly in. You have it tucked into your pants. It's grown so heavy. People watch you when you eat. They laugh and mock you with their friends. “Look at them! Maybe instead of fries they should get a salad…” They tease. Your face gets red and you eat quicker.

Your new found hobby is to munch on snacks while your eyes are fixed on the tv. A lazy person's hobby. Just pack on the pounds fatass, your body will just grow slower and fatter. You stopped stepping on the scale after it read past the three hundred mark. You were too humiliated at what you were becoming. My fatty is all sad because they can’t put the fork down. You ignore your sorrows with tubs of ice cream. You haven’t looked in a mirror to face how big you have ballooned. Exercise is out of the question anyway. You’re far too lazy for that now. Your gut hangs sloppily over your pants while you lay on the couch eating chips.

My fat piggy is swelling into a lazy sedentary hog. If only you could have kept up on your appearance instead of stuffing your mouth. You're on your way to immobility piggy, better eat faster to get what you want. Obesity is the number one killer, do you want that? You want to be bound to a bed only to be moving enough to keep eating? Your life now dedicated to swelling out further and further? You truly want to live the life a pig? I want to watch you try. I will watch your body fill up the rest of the space in the room as you lay helplessly imprisoned under your own weight. Your hunger is endless and insatiable. Once you get so big you can’t stop.

Too embarrassed to be seen by a surgeon to remove all of your guilty gluttonous pounds. It's easier to just keep swelling up. I’ll just keep teasing you until you have had enough. Gluttonous cow...keep ballooning with fat. Forget ever taking a bath anymore, you're far too big for a bath. You are a putridly obese pig now with rolls of fat spilling over the bed. Greasy skin and hair. You don’t care anymore, just as long as your massive body can keep growing. My fat prized hog doing their best not to die from overeating. Maybe I’ll just keep filling you until your big tank of a stomach stretches until it bursts. That's what you get for being an insatiable hog...


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