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I've reached my goal.

I'm the heaviest I've ever been and now I can't stop.

I can't stop guzzling. Eating. Feasting..

You keep my belly tight as a drum and do absolutely everything you can to keep me from moving even the slightest.

You could say I'm spoiled...

But the truth is I'm stuck. My body is far too heavy to lug around. I can't even roll over.

You push me into a sitting position just to dump more food into me.

You spread my legs to help me stretch.

Hell, when I get winded just from lifting my hand to my face you take over.

You have complete control now and it's absolutely terrifying.

I'm so weak, heavy, and full.

The cascading rolls of fat on my tummy have disappeared since you've been feeding me for 18 hours a day keeping me as full as I can stand it.

You weren't joking when you told me that you wanted me pinned to the bed.

You still tie me down though. Maybe you're afraid I might just retaliate and try to stop you..or maybe you just want that much control over me.

While I lay here day in and day out with this funnel stuffed into my mouth I can only see myself growing.

My bulging belly so swollen with food that I can't even see the tips of my toes.

My arms jutting out atop the mountain of rolls from my sides.

You jiggle and wobble my water bed like belly and it slowly wobbles back and forth gurgling and bubbling inside.

"You're only going to get bigger, pig."

With those words I picture my demise.

Because I know you will not break your promise.

You force cheeseburgers, brownies, pizza, pasta, hot dogs, milkshakes, and donuts into me.

Through my whining and burping my gut continues to bulge outward.

I'm getting fucking huge.

At this point I'm an object for your disposal.

My entire being encased in fat. My life is just me being fat. Fatter.

I'm barely human now. But a vat to store more weight. More lard. More of your fantasies.

You decide to put a mirror above me so I can see the damage that I've done to myself. The delicious...indulgent..damage.

My knees no longer exist but under a sea of thick swollen thighs. My ankles swallowed up between my chubby engorged feet and legs, spread as far as they can go.

My thighs...oh god my thighs.

They're so stuffed with fat they are pushing my legs apart. I'm forced to lay spread eagle by my own sea of blubber.

Three heavy rolls built up around my legs, fighting for more room. I no longer can even wiggle my lower half now.

Then there's my stomach..

Basically a slab of meat surrounding my entire midsection, protruding forward mostly. Thick rolls built up behind me laying atop my bulbous ass. If out-of-shape was a person, it would be me. A shapeless mass of flesh.

Every day you look for me to be bigger.

"I'm surprised I could even get you this big. You make such a good hog, don't stop eating for me."

You really know how to get to me..I've lost all control and autonomy to you.

You've installed a catheter so I can at least do that.

But..your wicked fantasies of having total control have cost me some of my dignity.

Deep inside me you've decided to fit a hose.

Either to help relieve me, or pump me even more full. I'm at your disposal.

On the days you want me to be stretched and filled taut..those are the days I regret this sometime.

The sound of the machine stirring to life. You readying me to be pumped dangerously full...

My throat working to swallow your thick, hearty, calorie filled shake.

My ass throbbing from the hose working more calories up inside me.

You press your hands against my tank of a stomach, waiting for it to balloon against your palms.

I groan from the pressure.

I'm already helpless. What if you decide today is the day I pop like a slowly filled water balloon? What if my pleading falls on deaf ears while my body finally gives out and bursts?

Oh god..the pleasure of does bring me..

You know exactly how to stroke me and when I'm ready to cum. That's what stops me from stopping you.

You press the vibrating wand under me, my weight locking it in place. The hose pulsing.

You rub my drum tight gut as it rises, kissing and gently shaking it to hear the audible noises.

I know I'm well over three thousand pounds at this point. The last scale could only hold a ton.

My only job now is to guzzle and glut myself heavier. To hold more weight and keep it on.

Your hands rub my vast gelatinous under belly as it blows up with every gulp and stir.

I've become massive. My body barely fits in the reflection of the mirror above. I'm a literal ocean of fat.

What once was an average sized body is now super sized. But my super sized appetite, both hunger and sexual has gotten me here and you're just my enabler.

You're more than my enabler in fact...my pusher.

Pushing more food and calories into me.

Pushing me to take it all in.

Pushing me into positions that only please you.

Pushing your hands deep into my mountain of flesh to see how far they can go.

As my heart now beats irregularly and I question how long it can hold out..you've slowed your pace but haven't stopped.

I can no longer move at all. Not even a finger nor a toe since they're so swollen with fat. I think my body is having trouble finding places to store the fat now. It only took nearly two tons.

My anxiety has started to pick up.

How many more calories until my heart blows up?

How many more orgasms?

My days are numbered.

But while I lay here, emptying myself with your assistance... My dignity is completely gone, my will to strive for a healthier life is non-existent, and my body is slowly failing...all I can think about is..

How much more you can fit inside of me.


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