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Ah sugar, so delicious and addicting. Something you crave constantly. High fructose corn syrup coating your insides and making your heart swell. Decadent cakes and cold creamy ice cream adding to your layers of fat. Warm crisp pies filling the air with an irresistible aroma making you want more. But sugar seems so inviting and comforting when you need it. No one tells you how addicting it is though but I'm afraid it's too late. After grabbing candy bars here and there and adding treats more frequently you find your waistband tightening and your skin getting plump. Just keep telling yourself it's water weight and eat another dozen cookies.

Flakey pastries are now your "go to" food. Rich chocolate brownies come close second with their thick sweet frosting covering your lips. You look like a pig now, eating purely for pleasure. But that's what sugar is, delicious pleasure that you crave. All the diet ads in the world can't stop you now. Just keep fulfilling that need to feed on everything sweet. Ignore your fattening body and push yourself even more into obesity by treating yourself. You deserve it anyway.

I can't wait until you can no longer say "no" to cookies, ice cream, and sugar in general. Your self control will wither away and be replaced by gluttony for more and more treats. Healthy meals will be non-existent and sugar will fill your cravings. Your burgeoning belly will grow every day from all the delicious sugary snacks. It's my job to chisel away at every last bit of willpower you hold and turn you into a massive pig for me to tease. I'll keep my self discipline and watch as your body eventually grows too fat for you to do anything. Your addiction to sugar will lead you down an unhealthy path but it will only fuel my desire to feed you even more.


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